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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:08:14

[多项选择]Graduates from under-privileged backgrounds are to challenge the elitism of the barristers’ profession, under plans outlined today. Reforms aimed at challenging the dominance of the rich and privileged classes which are disproportionately represented among the membership of the Bar will tackle the decline in students from poorer backgrounds joining the profession. They include financial assistance as well as measures to end the "intimidating environment" of the barristers’ chambers which young lawyers must join if they want to train as advocates.
The increasing cost of the Bar and a perception that it is run by a social elite has halted progress in the greater inclusion of barristers from different backgrounds. A number of high- profile barristers, including the prime minister’s wife, Cherie Booth QC, have warned that without changes, the Bar will continue to be dominated by white, middle-class male lawyers.
In a speech to the Social Mobility Foundation think tank in London t

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[多项选择]Graduates from under-privileged backgrounds are to challenge the elitism of the barristers’ profession, under plans outlined today. Reforms aimed at challenging the dominance of the rich and privileged classes which are disproportionately represented among the membership of the Bar will tackle the decline in students from poorer backgrounds joining the profession. They include financial assistance as well as measures to end the "intimidating environment" of the barristers’ chambers which young lawyers must join if they want to train as advocates.
The increasing cost of the Bar and a perception that it is run by a social elite has halted progress in the greater inclusion of barristers from different backgrounds. A number of high- profile barristers, including the prime minister’s wife, Cherie Booth QC, have warned that without changes, the Bar will continue to be dominated by white, middle-class male lawyers.
In a speech to the Social Mobility Foundation think tank in London t
[单项选择]When she graduates from Columbia University next year with a master’s degree in public health, Erin Wheeler is hoping to get a job in international reproductive (生殖的) health. The 26-year-old post-graduate has always wanted to work in public service. But public service doesn’t pay much, and her two-year program at Columbia costs about $ 50,000 a year with living expenses. She has a scholarship from Columbia that covers just $ 4,000 a year and has taken out loans to pay for the rest. She worries that she will spend years paying back her student loans and not have money left over to put away in an IRA (个人退休账户). Wheeler is wondering what she can do to ease the pain of being in debt. Is there anything she can do to handle the debt
The good news is that in 2007, Congress recognized that there were so many students in Wheeler’s position that it passed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. There were two programs established by this act that Wheeler should look into.
The first i
A. $8,000.
B. $50,000.
C. $75,000.
D. $92,000.
[简答题]Employment Opportunities for Graduates with the Provincial Bank   The Provincial Bank is one of the biggest (example) ____________ institutions in the U.K. With its 1,900 branches and 58,000 employees, it has (21) ____________ a household name. Almost 4,000 of these employees (22) ____________ managerial or executive positions. The bank has an outstanding (23) ____________ of profitability, which has been achieved by introducing innovations at the same time as maintaining leadership of the (24) ____________.   The bank’s comprehensive training programme concentrates on (25) ____________ the most important skills that graduates need in order to (26) ____________ early management responsibility. Trainees take responsibility for their own continuous self-development through visiting other branches and departments, and by (27)____________ courses in management skills. They also receive training in order to increase their knowledge of the bank’s (28) ___________. The bank supports (29)___
A. A.colleague
B. members


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