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发布时间:2024-02-29 20:21:57

[单项选择]Passage One For generations, the Nganyi people of western Kenya have served as rainmakers, helping local communities decide when best to prepare their land and sow their seeds. By observing subtle changes in nature that would be unnoticeable to most people-in air currents, the flowering and shedding of leaves of certain trees, the behaviour of ants, bird songs, etc-they have been able to interpret weather patterns and provide valuable advice. But the irregular weather patterns brought by climate change mean the rainmakers can no longer use those sighs to make their predictions. And they don’t have access to the technologies available to meteorologists (气象学家). “Climate change has come on so fast. People don’t know how to adapt or what to plant,”says Obedi Osoce, a traditional weatherman. “Our traditional crops are disappearing because they cannot handle the new conditions. We need new strategies to handle climate change.” Now a British-Canadian project si doing just that, linking
A. They cannot find an effective way to deliver messages.
B. They lack modern technologies to cope with climate change.
C. They cannot get financial support from the local government.
D. They lack the facilities to stop traditional crops from disappearing.

更多"Passage One For generations, th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage One For generations, the Nganyi people of western Kenya have served as rainmakers, helping local communities decide when best to prepare their land and sow their seeds. By observing subtle changes in nature that would be unnoticeable to most people-in air currents, the flowering and shedding of leaves of certain trees, the behaviour of ants, bird songs, etc-they have been able to interpret weather patterns and provide valuable advice. But the irregular weather patterns brought by climate change mean the rainmakers can no longer use those sighs to make their predictions. And they don’t have access to the technologies available to meteorologists (气象学家). “Climate change has come on so fast. People don’t know how to adapt or what to plant,”says Obedi Osoce, a traditional weatherman. “Our traditional crops are disappearing because they cannot handle the new conditions. We need new strategies to handle climate change.” Now a British-Canadian project si doing just that, linking
A. Satisfied
B. Confused
C. Hopeful
D. Regretful

Passage One For generations, the Nganyi people of western Kenya have served as rainmakers, helping local communities decide when best to prepare their land and sow their seeds. By observing subtle changes in nature that would be unnoticeable to most people-in air currents, the flowering and shedding of leaves of certain trees, the behaviour of ants, bird songs, etc-they have been able to interpret weather patterns and provide valuable advice. But the irregular weather patterns brought by climate change mean the rainmakers can no longer use those sighs to make their predictions. And they don’t have access to the technologies available to meteorologists (气象学家). “Climate change has come on so fast. People don’t know how to adapt or what to plant,”says Obedi Osoce, a traditional weatherman. “Our traditional crops are disappearing because they cannot handle the new conditions. We need new strategies to handle climate change.” Now a British-Canadian
A. Plant seeds
B. Dog harks
C. Bird songs
D. Ocean currents


Passage One

As one works with color in a practical or experimental way, one is impressed by two apparently unrelated facts. Color as seen is a mobile changeable thing depending to a large extent on the relationship of the color to other colores seen simultaneously. It is not fixed in its relation to the direct stimulus which creates it. On the other hand, the properties of surfaces that give rise to color do not seem to change greatly under a wide variety of illumination colors, usually (but not always) looking much the same in artificial light as in daylight. Both of these effects seem to the due in large part to the mechanism of color adaptation mentioned earlier.
When the eye is fixed on a colored area, there is an immediate readjustment of the sensitivity of the eye to color in and around the area viewed. This
A. the eye’s adaptation to color
B. the properties of colored surfaces
C. the effect of changes in color intensity
D. experiments on colored objects

Passage 2

People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man’s release of completely new and often artificial (人造) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (物质), such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.
Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments Would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed off drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in ter
A. the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment
B. the production of new industrial goods
C. increased amounts of a natural substance
D. our ever-increasing population
[单项选择]Passage Three
People often speak of fire as though it were a living creature--It grows, dances, needs oxygen, feeds on whatever it can find, and then dies. And when a forest fire rages out of control, threatening human lives and homes, it must be fought like a "wild animal." The fight is often desperate, since firefighters’ best efforts may be dwarfed by the fury of a large fire. But the fire’s own traits can be used against it.
The heated air above a fire rises in a pillar of smoke and burnt gases, pulling fresh air in from the sides to replace it. Firefighters use this fact when they "fight fire with fire." They start a fire well in front of the one which they are fighting. Instead of traveling on in front of the huge fire, the smaller fire is pulled back toward it by the updrafts of the larger blaze. As it travels back to meet the large
A. behind a forest fire
B. ahead of a forest fire
C. on the sides of a forest fire
D. all around a forest fire
[单项选择]In previous generations, young people were under their parents’ control ; now the teenage children of the West’s richest generation were ready for something to get excited about. The Beatles simply put a spark to a fuse(导火线) that was waiting to be lit.
Everything changed, and what changed for the Beatles was their lives and their working habits, in the midst of the hysterical(歇斯底里的) following the band attracted. Because of the demand of the fans to see them perform, they played bigger and bigger venues (meeting-places) , especially in America. They played pop music’s first "stadium" concert—to 60,000 people in Shea Stadium.
But John, Paul, George and Ringo became increasingly unhappy that, because of the screaming of their fans, neither the band nor the audience could hear the music. Creatively frustrated and tired of the pressures of life under siege(围攻) from their fans, they retired from playing concerts in 1966 and decided to concentrate on recording.
It was
A. They made the young people of their time very excited.
B. They attracted a large following wherever they played.
C. They were always pleased with their popularity.
D. No other pop music group had ever played to bigger audience than they di


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