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发布时间:2023-12-19 07:24:43

[填空题]Can you tell us more ___ (precise)what happened last night

更多"Can you tell us more ___ (precise)w"的相关试题:


W: Can you tell us what you like doing in the evening
M: Well, I like music. I listen to a lot of pop music, but best of all I like watching TV. It’s much better than reading a book.

What is the man’s favorite free-time activity( ).
A. Watching TV.
B. Reading a book.
C. Listening to music.
[填空题]What can you also do if you want to know more about it You can get information from its _____________________.

What can you do to recall your dreams more often and interpret them more Clearly The experts offer these suggestions:
Develop an idea. Before you go to sleep, consciously think about a topic or a person you’d like to dream about. Raise a question that’s troubling you and see how your dream responds to it.
Keep track. Next to your bed, place a pen and some paper, or a tape recorder or laptop(笔记本电脑) ,to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.
Try to wake up naturally, without the help of an alarm clock or barking dog that can interrupt your dream cycle. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to sleep in during the week, begin your dream journey on a weekend or during a vacation.
Wake up slowly. For the first moment after you wake up, lie still and keep your eyes closed, because your dream may be connected to your body position while you slept. Try to recall the dream and then store it in your memory by giving it a name like "Lat
A. because dreaming usually happens not long before you wake up
B. because sleeping posture may be related to your dream
C. so as not to connect your dreams
D. so as not to have a nightmare


W: Can you tell me what time the plane takes off
M: Yes, it should take off at 9:45, but it has been delayed for half an hour because of the heavy fog.

What has caused the delay of the flight ()
A. The heavy snow.
B. The thick fog.
C. The terrible hurricane.
D. The heavy rain.

W: Can you tell me what time Flight 468 arrives
M: Yes, it was scheduled to arrive at 8:00 p.m. , but it has been delayed for two hours.

When is the airplane now expected to arrive()
A. 6:00 p.m.
B. 8:00 p.m.
C. 9:00 p.m.
D. 10:00p. m.

W: Can you tell me what time flight 318 arrives
M: Yes, at 6:00 p.m., but it has been delayed for two hours.

When is the airplane now expected to arrive()
A. 6:00 p.m.
B. 9:00 p.m.
C. 8:00 p.m.
D. It is delayed.
[单项选择]Elections often tell you more about what people are against than what they are for. So it is with the European ones that took place last week in all 25 European Union member countries. These elections, widely trumpeted as the world’s biggest-ever multinational democratic vote, were fought for the most part as 25 separate national contests, which makes it tricky to pick out many common themes. But the strongest are undoubtedly negative. Europe’s voters are angry and disillusioned—and they have demonstrated their anger and disillusion in three main ways.
The most obvious was by abstaining. The average overall turnout was just over 45%, by some margin the lowest ever recorded for elections to the European Parliament. And that average disguises some big variations: Italy, for example, notched up over 70o//00, but Sweden managed only 37%. Most depressing of all, at least to believers in the European project, was the extremely low vote in many of the new member countries from central Eu
A. benefits the old member countries for the time being
B. fortifies the support of populist and nationalists
C. might oblige anti-EU parties to adopt a compromise resisted by the public
D. would hinder the full expression of European public feeling


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