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发布时间:2024-06-22 18:01:47

Passage 4
Most critical plot points in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone came from J.K. Rowling’s imagination, but Flamel and his powerful pebble were legendary long before Harry went to Hogwarts. The 14th century alchemist created the philosopher’s stone (called "sorcerer’s" in U.S. editions of Potter), with which he turned mercury to gold and gained eternal life. But Flamel’s tale - like his stone and his science - was no more real than a magic.
The philosopher’s stone was the key to alchemy, the medieval predecessor to chemistry that aimed to cure all illnesses, make the elixir of life, and transmute base metals into gold. The last made perfect sense at the time. The Aristotelian theory of elements stated that all things consisted of fire, air, water, and earth. So a little shift in one metal’s composition could create gold.
Hamel was ren
A. reveal that everything in Potter was imagined by Rowling
B. tell the truth about Flamel behind the tales in Potter
C. point out the inability of alchemists to defend themselves
D. address that alchemy had an impact on modern science

更多"Passage 4 Most critical plot points"的相关试题:

Passage 4
Most critical plot points in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone came from J.K. Rowling’s imagination, but Flamel and his powerful pebble were legendary long before Harry went to Hogwarts. The 14th century alchemist created the philosopher’s stone (called "sorcerer’s" in U.S. editions of Potter), with which he turned mercury to gold and gained eternal life. But Flamel’s tale - like his stone and his science - was no more real than a magic.
The philosopher’s stone was the key to alchemy, the medieval predecessor to chemistry that aimed to cure all illnesses, make the elixir of life, and transmute base metals into gold. The last made perfect sense at the time. The Aristotelian theory of elements stated that all things consisted of fire, air, water, and earth. So a little shift in one metal’s composition could create gold.
Hamel was ren
A. came from J. K. Rowing’s imagination
B. was legendary long before Rowling wrote the book
C. turned out to be a magic in Potter
D. was believed by many alchemists
[填空题]Harry Wells

[填空题]Harry Porter

[单项选择]Why is Harry unhappy
A. He was refused by the college he really wanted to go to.
B. He didn’t really want to go to any colleges.
C. His tests were not so good.
[填空题]Sub-points are used to support the main points directly.
[单项选择]Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year, or manured a field; but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it i
A. the figure of the same conqueror or general or soldier.
B. the figure of some conqueror or general or soldier.
C. a figure reprsenting the number of conquerors, generals or soldiers in that country.
D. the figure of a person who helped civilization forward.


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