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发布时间:2024-02-05 23:10:37

[单项选择]Passage Two You’ve just got a new computer and you are delighted with it. It is doing everything you want it to do. But what are you going to do with your old computer In the past consumers often paid high prices for their computers, but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer which has become out-of-date or has been replaced by a newer mode. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do with a computer which you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly, they take into account its original cost and then reduce the price according to the age of the computer rather like a second-hand car. They forget that new computers are becoming cheaper every day, making old computers almost worthless. In 1985, for example, a good computer cost over $4,000. Then years later its owner would be lucky to get $ 400. One well-know
A. 10
B. 12
C. 5
D. 4

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[单项选择]Passage Two You’ve just got a new computer and you are delighted with it. It is doing everything you want it to do. But what are you going to do with your old computer In the past consumers often paid high prices for their computers, but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer which has become out-of-date or has been replaced by a newer mode. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do with a computer which you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly, they take into account its original cost and then reduce the price according to the age of the computer rather like a second-hand car. They forget that new computers are becoming cheaper every day, making old computers almost worthless. In 1985, for example, a good computer cost over $4,000. Then years later its owner would be lucky to get $ 400. One well-know
A. Fashionable
B. No longer fashionable
C. Second hand
D. Worthless
[简答题]Directions: You got sick just two weeks before the final examination and were sent to hospital. One doctor treated you very well and you recovered soon. Write a letter of appreciation to the doctor (Ms. Green).
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

[单项选择]Salesgirl: Can I help you We’ve got some new shirts here. Customer: OK, thanks. _________
A. Mind your own business.
B. We are just looking.
C. Take care of yourself.
D. We will need you later.
[单项选择]Manager: What have you got Assistant: We’ve got the files up to 2010, but all those after 2010 have not been found. Manager: ______ It won’t take long to sort the rest out.
A. That’s a relief!
B. Bad news!
C. Who knows
D. Let it go.
[单项选择]Why do you want a new job ______ you've got such a good one already
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
[简答题]Passage Two What you’ve always heard We’re eating way too much salt. The average American gets about 3.4 grams of sodium every day, far more than the upper limit of 2. 3 grams recommended by the USDA. The Institute of Medicine estimates that reducing sodium intake (摄取量) nationwide could prevent 100,000 deaths every year. The headlines now It’s time to get tough. The New York City health department recently kicked off a national effort to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25% over five years. 80% of the salt in the average person’s diet comes from those sources, not from the sahshaker (盐瓶). But wait! The benefits of salt reduction are surprisingly mruky. At least 13 studies have tried to find out what happens to people who choose to eat salty or not-so-salty food--and the results have pointed in eve~3~ direction. Sonre studies suggest that cutting salt protects the heart; others suggest that intense sa
A. A.is within the healthy range
B.is a bit over the upper limit
C.is far beyond what is necessary
D.is well below the lower limit


M: I’ve just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroom was dirty.
W: Sorry about that. But it’s not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.

Where is the conversation most probably taking place ( )
A. At the airport.
B. In a travel agency.
C. At a hotel.

M: Have you got any aspirin I’ve got a terrible headache.
W: I’ll just look. I think I’ve got some in my bag. Oh, no, sorry, I haven’t got any.

What does the woman mean( ).
A. She has some aspirins in her bag.
B. She doesn’t have any aspirins.
C. She put the aspirins in her bag.
D. She can find some aspirins.
[简答题]Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling, him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points)


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