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发布时间:2023-10-22 23:54:22

[简答题]Part 2&3Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion Who the person is. What was the situation How he/she helped you. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship

更多"Part 2&3Describe a person who helpe"的相关试题:

[简答题]Part 2&3Person A person who helped you A person who taught you a technique A famous person A good student A character in my childhood story leader you admire
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a person who helped you
[简答题]part 2& 3Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion Who the person is. What was the situation. How he/she helped you. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship
[简答题]PART 2 & 3Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion Who the person is. What was the situation How he/she helped you. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship Describe an elderly person. Describe your roommate.
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a person you helped. Do you think parents should teach their child to help people Do you think children will help people in school Do you think children want to help people
[简答题]part 2& 3 Describe a person who you think is successful.   You should say:   who he or she is (or, who they are)   what they did (or, what they do)   why (or how) he or she became so successful   why you choose to talk about this person and explain how his/her success has contributed to society.   1. What do think the word, "success" means   2. How do you think success can be measured (or judged)   3. Do you think it’s only associated with material success ( = money)   4. Do you think career success can ever cause problems in one’s personal life   5. Do you think it’s important for children (and young people) to have role models   6. Do you think the criteria for (defining or judging) success might change in the future   7. Which do you think is more important, success in one’s career or a happy family life   8. How do you think one could achieve a balance between (spending time on) success in one’s career and a happy family life
[简答题]Part 2&3Person a friend who you have known for a long time a student with high score/a good neighbor a teacher you remember from your childhood a person who taught you something an old person you like to talk to some one in the recent news you’d like to meet a leader you admire from your country
[多项选择]PART 1
·Who has given you the greatest influence in your family
[简答题]part 1 Cooking Do you like cooking Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home) When did you learn how to cook In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less (Why )
[简答题]part 1Communicating Would you talk to people whom you met for the first time Why do you want to chat with other people
[多项选择]PART ONE
· you are an Assistant Sales Manager who has just handle the enquiry that Mr. Lin, Regional Sales Manager passed to you on Friday.
· Write a memo to Mr. Lin.
· Telling him that you have dealt with the problem
· Informing him of the content of the enquiry from Mr. E. King who wants a special wholesale discount
· Telling him the discount that you could offer to Mr. King
· Write 40--50 words on a separate sheet./r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n
[简答题]{{B}} PART 2{{/B}} {{B}}Describe a person who you like to spend time with. You should say: who this person is what personal characteristics he or she has that you like what you usually do together and explain why you like to spend time with person.{{/B}} You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You will have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
[简答题]Part 1family Do you live with your family Who are the people in your family Is family very important to you (Why ) In what situations do you think family is more important than friends Are there any times when you prefer to be alone If you were married, how many children would you choose to have (Why )
[简答题]Part C
You will hear a talk. As you listen, you must answer or complete the sentences for questions 21—30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the program TWICE. You now have 60 seconds to read questions 21—30.

What are women expected to be when men are encouraged to compete and to assert themselves


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