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发布时间:2023-11-20 02:04:14

[简答题] deadline: May 11th

更多"deadline: May 11th"的相关试题:

on the morning of September’ 11 th, I boarded the train from Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan just as usual and went to the Body Positive office in the South Street Seaport of Lower Manhattan. While I was leaving the subway at 8:53 am, a man ran down the street screaming, "Someone just bombed the World Trade Center." Those around me screamed and shouted "No !" in disbelief. However, being an amateur photographer, and thinking that I might be able to help out, I ran directly toward the WTC I stopped just short of the WTC at a corner and looked Up. There before me stood the gaping hole and fire that had taken over the first building. I stood there in shock taking pictures, wanting to run even closer to help out, but I could not move: Soon I saw what looked like little angels floating down from the top of the building. I began to cry when I realized that t
A. at Washington Heights
B. just beside the World Trade Center
C. in the South Street Seaport
D. far from the WTC
[填空题]Women held a high place in the 10th and 11th centuries in southern

September 11th 2001 drew the transatlantic alliance together; but the mood did not last, and over the five years since it has pulled ever further apart. A recent poll for the German Marshall Fund shows that 57% of Europeans regard American leadership in world affairs as "undesirable". The Iraq war is mainly to blame. But there is another and more. intractable reason for the growing division: God.
Europeans worry that American foreign policy under George Bush is too influenced by religion. The "holy warriors" who hijacked the planes on September 11th reintroduced God into international affairs in the most dramatic of ways. It seems that George Bush is replying in kind, encouraging a clash of religions that could spell global catastrophe.
Dominique Moisi, a special adviser at the French Institute for International Relations, argues that "the combination of religion and nationalism in America is frightening. We feel betrayed by God and by nat
A. terrorist attacks
B. American reliance on deity
C. intractable reason
D. multiple factors


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