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发布时间:2023-10-16 04:41:43

[简答题] theater/theatre


[简答题]表演系的一个学生问老师在theatre课上可不可以用 Story Theater来完成一个assignment(某一种表演作为作业)。老师以为她问什么是Story Theater, 说了一堆,说story theater是叫人朗读,说到山,就有人出来演山峰之类的。说了一个人Paul sills在60年代演了个blue light, 说反映了当时人们的心态,hopeless之类的。后来又说了另一个人,他做出了不同的Story Theater, 区别是用了多个人,每个人扮不同的角色,而且不光是用人来演东西,还用其他道具,比如椅子当山之类的。
[单项选择]What opportunity does the community theatre provide to the people in a community()
A. It provides them with the opportunity to watch performances for free.
B. It provides them with the opportunity to make friends.
C. It gives them the chance to do something creative.
D. It gives them a chance to enjoy modern art.
[单项选择]Why did movies do better than theater
A. Films provided more melodrama.
B. Films provided longer programs.
C. Films provided emotional appeal.
D. Films provided greater spectacles.
[单项选择]Picture a typical MBA lecture theatre twenty years ago. In it the majority of students will have conformed to the standard model of the time: male, middle class and Western. Walk into a class today, however, and you’ll get a completely different impression. For a start, you will now see plenty more women—the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, for example, boasts that 40% of its new enrolment is female. You will also see a wide range of ethnic groups and nationals of practically every country.
It might be tempting, therefore, to think that the old barriers have been broken down and equal opportunity achieved. But, increasingly, this apparent diversity is becoming a mask for a new type of conformity. Behind the differences in sex, skin tones and mother tongues, there are common attitudes, expectations and ambitions which risk creating a set of clones among the business leaders of the future.
Diversity, it seems, has not helped to address fundamental weaknesses in busi
A. Greater diversity.
B. Intellectual maturity.
C. Exceptional diligence.
D. Higher ambition.
[填空题]Kodak Theatre hosted its first Academy Awards Presentation in November of 2001.


The theatre did not bum down. Firefighters arrived quickly after the alarm (报警) and put out the fire so fast that no more than the seat coverings were burned. However, 602 people died, and many more were injured. Panic (惊慌), not the fire itself, caused the tragedy (悲剧).
A similar disaster occurred on a July morning in 1990 in the city of Mecca. Thousands of people were walking through a 600-yard-long tunnel (隧道) when the lights accidentally went out. Panic started the frightened people pushing their way through the tunnel and 1,426 people were killed.
The people in the Theatre and the Mecca tunnel behaved as people often do when faced with unexpected and dangerous situations such as fires, earthquakes, and floods: they panicked. Panic is one of the more extreme types of grouped people’s behavior. It is a useless response to a serious threat or danger. It generally involves flight, but it is a special kind of flight. However, in panic behav


The future of the Secombe Theatre in Sutton is in doubt after a government report spreads fears of closure. The report says the theatre does not meet modem standards for arts events and the site is capable of a larger-scale (更大规模的) development. While it promises to plan for a neighborhood center, it fails to make any mention of a new theatre, which has left many asking why.
Leading figures from the arts circle have come togther to fight for the 21-year-old theatre.
Barbara Windsor, chairman of the Performing Art Society, said: "If they have to tear it down it would be a waste of a good theatre. Every town needs a heart."
John Stevens, of Sutton Theatre Company, said the theatre had suffered from a lack of money and business support. "There’s a crying need for a theatre in Sutton and the public will lose out if the Secombe goes."
Peter Geiringer, a city government official also argued that a ne
A. replaced
B. closed
C. rebuilt
D. enlarged

[单项选择]My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ______ your lecture.
A. couldn’t have attended
B. needn’t have attended
C. mustn’t have attended
D. shouldn’t have attended


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