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发布时间:2023-12-08 18:10:08

[简答题]A university plans to develop a new research center in your country.Some people want a center for business research.Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming).Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country Use specific reasons in your recommendation.

更多"A university plans to develop a new"的相关试题:

[单项选择]New research from the University of Missouri has found that people who walk dogs are more consistent about regular exercise and show more improvement in fitness than people who walk with a human companion. In a 12-week study of 54 older adults at an assisted living home, 35 people were assigned to a walking program for five days a week, while the remaining 19 served as a control group. Among the walkers, 23 selected a friend or spouse to serve as a regular walking partner along a trail laid out near the home. Another 12 participants took a bus daily to a local animal shelter where they were assigned a dog to walk.
To the surprise of the researchers, the dog walkers showed a big improvement in fitness, while the human walkers began making excuses to skip the workout. Walking speed among the dog walkers increased by 28 percent, compared with just a 4 percent increase among the human walkers.
"What happened was nothing short of remarkable," said Rebecca A. Johnson, a nursing pro
A. show how well people can get along with animals
B. show how unnecessary it is to walk with human
C. show how much they have done to the charity
D. show how dogs help them stick to regular exercise

M: What a waste of money just for a new arts center! Why couldn’t the money be spent on something more important
W: Nonsense! Nothing is more important than the arts.

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. The man spends more than he makes.
B. The man is not keen on arts.
C. The woman is an artist.
D. The woman looks down upon the man.
[简答题]In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism. Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago. The geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities. In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism
[简答题]If you want to develop a new brand of ice cream in China, what strategy would you pursue
Research Thesis Required by the University

All senior literature majors are required to write a research thesis before graduating from the university. Considering the thesis is longer than any other research paper and requires more professional know-how, the school will designate advisors for each student during the writing of the research thesis. This is because the school authorities are reasoning that students will acquire more knowledge and skills for conducting more complicated academic researches, which will build up a strong foundation for graduate studies.
Question: The man expresses his opinion towards the university’s policy to demand students to write a research thesis before graduation. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
[单项选择]( ) scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on earth will make it necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else.
A. Until
B. Since
C. Once
D. Even if
[单项选择]A newspaper headline concerning new energy development () his attention and he was much interested in making investment in it.
A. gave
B. caught
C. turned
D. paid

Passage two
A new kind of radar has been developed for space-age travelers. A working laboratory model of a new system of radar that makers use of a beam of light is said to be ten thousand times more accurate than the best comparable system of radar that uses microwaves.
The model has shown that this radar system can measure with absolute precision speeds varying from spaceship orbital injection velocities of five miles per second down to virtual stops-speeds of less than one ten-thousandth of an inch per second. According to the scientists who are developing this system, such fine measures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions. In a rendezvous between two spaceships, or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station, a bump could rip(划破) open a ship's skin, or a nudge could knock the station out of its orbit.
The light-beam radar, which operates at a frequency of trillions(万亿) of cycles per second, could easily dete
A. is the first radar system to work in space
B. is more precise than microwave radar
C. is easier to operate than microwave radar
D. will work on the earth's surface as well as in space


M: Susan, have you made any New Year’s plans
W: Just the usual. I’d like to do more weight reducing exercise, and I want to save some money.
M: Come on! Everybody makes those plans!
W. I know, Tiger. Well, I hope I’ll get a good job after I graduate this summer, but that’s not a plan. I’m going to work harder. How about you
M: I managed to give up smoking last July. That was last year’s promise to myself. And I want to get rid of my extra fat this year, so I’d like to join a health club.
W: Just what I want to do.
M: Well, what about Jerry, do you know
W: He told me he’d like to treat himself to a really nice vacation.
M: Oh Where did he think he would go
W: He might go to a quiet beach in New Zealand, or go fishing in Australia, He hasn’t made up his mind yet.

What did Tiger do last year()
A. He joined a health club.
B. He stopped smoking.
C. He got a good job.


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