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发布时间:2024-06-19 21:24:22

[简答题]On May 13, 1940, Winston Churchill, the newly appointed British Prime Minister, gave his first speech to Parliament. He was preparing the people for a long battle against Nazi aggression, at a time when England’s survival was still in doubt. "… I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our policy I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. You ask, what is our aim I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the a

更多"On May 13, 1940, Winston Churchill,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954
A. He was eighty years old.
B. He became famous for his portrait.
C. He gave the prime minister a present.

When Sir Winston Churchill, the great British Prime minister, reached his eightieth birthday in November, 1954, he was presented with his portrait by a well-known modern artist, Graham Sutherland. The painting had been ordered and paid for by the members of Parliament, who wanted to honor the Grand Old Man of World War Ⅱ.
Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were deeply moved by this mark of respect and affection. Neither of them, of course, allowed the donors to see how much they both disliked the portrait. "It makes me look stupid which I am not!" protested Churchill in private. Publicly, he only remarked that it was "a fine example of modern art. " His friends smiled; it was well-known that Sir Winston didn’t care for modern art.

What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954?( )
A. He was eighty years old.
B. He became famous for his portrait.
C. He gave the prime minister a present.
[单项选择]What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954 A. He was eighty years old. B. He became famous for his portrait. C. He gave the prime minister a present.
[填空题]Mr. John wouldn’t see you unless you have an (appoint)()
[简答题]Thank you,Mr. Black. It’s a great honor to be appointed as Overseas Sales Manager. To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise to me. I’d like to think it’s mainly the contribution of the whole team.I’d like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their support and hard work. Due to their efforts, we’ve started some overseas project successfully. Looking to the future, I’d still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though I’ll be working at the management level.
[填空题]Winston declares that sharpening your time management skills is very important and can make you______.

[填空题]Stephen Winston was the first professional organizer.

[单项选择]Which of the following is true A. Churchill liked the portrait. B. His wife liked modern art. C. Neither Churchill nor his wife like the portrait.
[单项选择]From: Jane Robert
To: Winston Lavea
Subject: Cateringservice
Hi Winston,
I understand that you ore in charge of organizing the company’s AGM next month. It will be a really big occasion, so I imagine you will have a very busy schedule over the next few weeRs. If there is anything ] can do to help with the preparations, please let me know.
One thing you may want to think about organizing early is the catering. In my experience, it is very important to mare sure that attendees enjoy the food. There will be a wide variety of people at the AGM, including top executives, investment fund managers, and small shareholders. You have the difficult job of trying to please them all!
I used a new catering service called Cater Gourmet last month for the Research and Innovations Conference that we held. I thought the food was excellent, and all of the attendees seemed satisfied. I went by your office this morning to show you the company’s advertising flyer so you con see what
A. To make a recommendation to Mr. Lavea
B. To offer her catering services to Mr. Lavea
C. To invite Mr. Lavea to an event
D. To congratulate Mr. Lavea on his promotion


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