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发布时间:2024-07-29 05:08:59

[简答题]Tunga and Tymon are in an ordinary partnership. Tunga approaches Kudzai and acting in his capacity as a partner borrows $20 billion from him for partnership purposes. Neither Tunga nor the partnership subsequently return the loan when it is due. Kudzai institutes proceedings against the partnership but Tymon opposes the action on the basis that what Tunga did was not binding on him and the partnership. Notwithstanding his opposition judgment is granted against the partnership. In the meantime Kudzai tries to execute against the partnership property but he only recovers $10 billion after which the partnership property is exhausted. Kudzai who is not aware of any properties personally held by Tunga decides to proceed against Tymon’s vast properties, which are known to him. Required: In relation to the law of partnerships, advise on whether: (b) it is appropriate for Kudzai to proceed against Tymon’s personal properties.

更多"Tunga and Tymon are in an ordinary "的相关试题:

[简答题]Tunga and Tymon are in an ordinary partnership. Tunga approaches Kudzai and acting in his capacity as a partner borrows $20 billion from him for partnership purposes. Neither Tunga nor the partnership subsequently return the loan when it is due. Kudzai institutes proceedings against the partnership but Tymon opposes the action on the basis that what Tunga did was not binding on him and the partnership. Notwithstanding his opposition judgment is granted against the partnership. In the meantime Kudzai tries to execute against the partnership property but he only recovers $10 billion after which the partnership property is exhausted. Kudzai who is not aware of any properties personally held by Tunga decides to proceed against Tymon’s vast properties, which are known to him. Required: In relation to the law of partnerships, advise on whether: (a) it was proper for a judgment to be granted against the partnership; and,
[填空题]What do the ordinary people collect stamps for They collect stamps for ______.
[填空题]The ordinary family in colonial North America
was primarily concerned with sheer physical
survival and beyond that, its own economic
prosperity. Thus, Children were valued in
the terms of their productivity, and they (1) ______
assumed the role of producer quite early.
Until they fulfilled this role, his position (2) ______
in the structure of the family was one of
subordination, and their psychological needs
and capacities received much consideration. (3) ______
As the society became more complex, the
status or children in the family and in the
society become more obvious, each member
must fulfill a number of personal and (4) ______
occupational role and be in constant contact (5) ______
with a great many other members. Consequently,
viewing children potentially acceptable an
[单项选择]Consciously or not, ordinary citizens and government bureaucrats still ()the notion that Japanese society is a unique culture.
A. fit in with
B. look down on
C. cling to
D. hold back
[填空题]Christmas was a very ordinary day for most people in America’ s southern colonies.

[填空题]Ordinary music lovers can record their own songs without spending hundreds of dollars on a studio.
[填空题]How microbubbles differ from ordinary bubbles.
[填空题]Some people cannot learn in ordinary schools. Often some physical or{{U}} (36) {{/U}}handicap prevents a child from learning. In education today new methods are being used in special schools to help the handicapped learn. {{U}} (37) {{/U}}the many interesting schools for handicapped persons, there is one which is being{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in the southern part of New Jersey, U. S. A. It is called the Bancroft Community. Here handicapped young{{U}} (39) {{/U}}will be trained to support themselves and to get along in the {{U}} (40) {{/U}}world. The Bancroft Community is not{{U}} (41) {{/U}}by walls of any kind. Its director{{U}} (42) {{/U}}that it be open so that students may gradually develop{{U}} (43) {{/U}}relations with the rest of the world. Ban croft Community students{{U}} (44) {{/U}}Gradually, as they become able, they will buy their own furniture, paying for it out of their own earnings. They will pay rent and pay for their food, too.{{U}} (45) {{/U}}.
[单项选择]Space enthusiasts look to the day when ordinary people, as well as professional astronauts and members of Congress, can leave Earth behind and head for a space station resort, or maybe a base on the moon or Mars. The Space Transportation Association, an industry lobbying group, recently created a division devoted to promoting space tourism, which it sees as a viable way to spur economic development beyond Earth.
The great stumbling block in this road to stars, however, is the sheer difficulty of getting anywhere in space. Merely achieving orbit is an expensive and risky proposition. Current space propulsion technologies make it a stretch to send probes to distant destinations within the solar system. Spacecraft have to follow multi-laver, indirect trajectories that loop around several planes in order to gain velocity from gravity assists. Then the craft lack the energy to come back. Sending spacecraft to other solar systems would take many centuries.
Fortunately, engineers ha
A. there is no clear destination in space
B. it is too risky and expensive for people to go beyond the orbit
C. the current space propulsion systems can not meet the needs for the long space travel
D. there is not enough energy for spacecraft to gain velocity
[单项选择]When is an ordinary tropical storm called a hurricane( ).
A. When it begins in the Atlantic and Caribbean seas.
B. When it hits the coastline.
C. When it is more than 75 miles wide.
D. When its winds reach 75 miles per hour.


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