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发布时间:2023-11-15 22:05:12

[单项选择]What is the magic secret of Mark’s mastery of seven languages
A. He just enjoys learning languages and speaking with people from other countries.
B. He has the motivation to visit other countries and communicate with people there.
C. He has a strong memory for words and phrases especially in foreign films.

更多"What is the magic secret of Mark’s "的相关试题:


What sport does Mark do
[单项选择]What does Mark think about the latest tax increase
A. He thinks it is necessary.
B. He thinks it is regrettable.
C. He thinks it is both regrettable and necessary.
D. He doesn’t think much about it.

What is Mark trying to depict with the subtle shift of the images he is currently working on

What did Mark do to tell people about his opinions on various issues
[填空题]According to Mark Kanttrowitz, what is the preferred lender for students
[单项选择]What does the man think Mark should do()
A. Go on with the game.
B. Draw pictures on the computer.
C. Review his lessons.
D. Have a good rest.

What is the thing that motivates Mark to give preference to painting
[单项选择]What type of sentence is "Mark likes fiction, but Tim is interested in poetry."().
A. A simple sentence
B. A coordinate sentence
C. A complex sentence
D. None of the above

Conversation 4
M:Hello, Jenny.What (2)marks have you got this term
W:(1)I’ve got three "A"s and two "B"s.What about you
M:(1)I’ve got two "A"s and three "B"s.
W:What did you get for computer course
M:A"B".And you
W:The same as you.a"B".
M:You must have got an "A" in English, didn’t you
W:Yes.you are right.
M:And I have got an "A" in English, too.

What is the relation between the two speakers ()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Classmates.
C. Employer and employee.
D. Colleagues.
[单项选择] Since the first brain scanner was constructed several years ago, computed tomography (X 线断层摄影术)or computed medical imagery, has become fairly widely used. Its rapid acceptance is due to the fact that it has overcome several of the drawbacks of conventional X-ray technology. To begin with, conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all of the information contained in a three-dimensional object. Things at different depths are superimposed, causing confusion to the viewer. Computed tomography can give three-dimensional information. The computer is able to re- construct pictures of the body’’s interior by measuring the varying intensities of X-ray beams passing through sections of the body from hundreds of different angles. Such pictures are based on series of thin ’’slices’’. In addition, conventional X-rays generally differentiate only between bone and air, as in the chest and lungs. They cannot distinguish .soft tissues or variations in tissues. The liver and pan
A. Two-dimensional.
B. Three-dimensional.
C. Animated.
D. Intensified.


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