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[简答题]Reading part Listening part advanced crediting这一概念:老师在学生没有完成某任务之前就鼓励学生们说他们会做这个可以帮助学生最后完成这个任务。 听力材料里professor讲述了advanced crediting的一个例子,总是鼓励一开始乱仍糖纸的小孩子是讲卫生,爱干净的孩子,他们到最后就会变得不乱丢糖纸了。 Question:用听到的例子来解释对advanced crediting的理解

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[简答题]Reading part dormancy这一概念,阅读材料讲到冬眠的涵义:帮助渡过恶劣环境;降低自身生理能耗 Listening part 听力材料里professor讲述了一个肺鱼的例子:在河水干涸之后鱼就躲在河床上之前就打好的洞里,这样一方面可以隔热、保湿,另一方面可以降低呼吸、心跳频率 Question:用听到的例子来解释dormancy
[简答题]Reading part Listening part 学校计划不再免费提供打印材料,并限定每个学生每个月只能打印100张。理由1、浪费纸张太多。理由2、打印机经常卡纸。 女生不同意:一,研究论文过程中打印的纸张不能算作浪费;打印机卡纸是因为机器本身太旧。 Question:Explain the student’s opinion towards the announcement and why she holds that opinion.
[简答题]Reading part 【名词解释】:Founder effect: 少量物种从large population中脱离演化出独特的特征。 Listening part 【教授举例】:澳大利亚的小雏菊在大陆的种子很大,当一小群漂洋过海到小岛形成小群落后就演化成小种子的形态了。 Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。
[简答题]Reading part:一学生写信说学校图书馆应该缩短学生保留书的时间。一是学生没有必要留书这么久;二是这样一来就不用其他要用书的学生就等。 Listening part:女生反对,一是如果学生拿书来写paper的话,肯定要把书留下来当reference,以备查看。二是还有很多其他方式搞到书嘛,比如有种interlibrary system,学生可以从这个系统中查到其他学校图书馆的藏书情况,然后去其他有书的图书馆借书。 Question:Explain the their opinion and why she holds that opinion.
[简答题]Reading part商业中的环保,环保的措施运用到商业中,可以到达双赢的效果。既保护了环境,又提高了盈利。 Listening part 给了两个例子。1,一个咖啡馆将灯泡换成了节能灯泡,于是及环保又省了电费。 2,同一家咖啡馆,将napkin改成使用再生纸制造,一来可以环保,二来可以吸引那些环保人士来消费。 Question:用听力的例子来解释对这种方法的理解
[简答题]Reading part:报纸出通知:新生统一住校,原因有二:一是向学生提供建立学习小组的机会;二是缓解校园停车场的压力。 Listening part: 女的不同意:一,.她拿自己举例,根本没有因为住校而建立学习小组;二,新生住校非但不能缓解停车场的压力,反而会因为更多的学生住校带来更多的长时间霸占车位的现象而造成车位短缺加剧 Question:Explain the woman’s opinion towards the newspaper’s announcement and why she holds that opinion.

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 More than two centuries after Benjamin Franklin used one to study lightning, a team of atmospheric scientists has found that kites are a potent research tool for studying air conditions at high altitudes. Ben Balsley and John Briks at the University of Colorado have developed a kite and instrument package to sample the atmosphere up to 3.5 kilometers high, for up to two days at a time. The kite is cheaper and more flexible than balloons and aircraft, the traditional vehicles for atmospheric research. Within two years the team expects to fly kites up to 10 kilometers high, and Briks hopes to use these to measure carbon dioxide and methane emissions over the Brazilian rainforest and the transport of air pollutants over the Atlantic Ocean. The kite is a 15-s
A. Kites have been found to be a useful tool in research on air conditions
B. Balloons and aircraft are traditional tools in research on air conditions
C. The kites are expected to fly higher and do more researches in the near future

[简答题]part 1 Reading Do you like reading books What kinds of books do you like to read When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you What do you think are the benefits of reading to children Would you like to write a book Would you like to receive a book as a gift
[简答题]part 1 Reading Do you like reading books (Why /Why not ) What (kinds of ) books do you like to read Did you read much when you were a child What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child Do (young) children like reading books?
How to approach Reading Test Part Five
·In this part of the Reading Test you read a longer text and answer six questions.
·First read the questions. Try to get an idea of what the text will be about. Then read the text for general understanding.
·Then mad the text and questions more carefully. Note all the possible answers.
·Read for overall meaning. Do not choose an answer just because you can see the same words in the text.
·Go back and decide on the final answers.
·Read the article below about a successful food business.
·For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.
·Mark one letter (A, B or C).
Casa ltaliana
Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find fresh pasta in Britain without going to an Italian restaurant. For this reason, Marco and Mariengeladi Bietro,
How to approach Reading Test Part Three
·This part of the Reading Test tests your understanding of the language of graphs and charts.
·Read the five sentences about the graphs.
·Then look at all eight graphs. Try to describe each one in your own words. (You can do this in your own language at first so that you are clear about what is happening in each graph.)
·Match each sentence with a graph. Note all the possible answers.
·Go bad< to the sentences for which more than one answer seems possible. Carefully compare the graphs and decide which is the correct answer.
·Check that you have not used any letter more than once.
·Look at the graphs on the opposite page. They show sales in the first quarter of
·the year in 1990 and 2000 across eight companies.
·Which graph does each sentence (11-15) describe
·For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H).
·Do not use any letter more than once.
[简答题]part 1Reading Do you like reading books What kinds of books do you like to read When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you What do you think are the benefits of reading to children Would you like to write a book Would you like to receive a book as a gift
[简答题]Part 1Books and Reading Do you like reading books, why or why not What books did you like when you were a child What about now What kinds of books do you like to read For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading Would you like to write a book Do you like receiving a book as a gift


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