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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:15:54

[单项选择] Bedwetting   Million of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night, it’s so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it. Most kids don’t ________ (51) their friends, so it’s easy to feel kind of alone, like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed. But you are not ________ (52).   The fancy ______ (53) for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis (夜间遗尿). Enuresis runs in families. This means that if you urinate (排尿), or pee, which you are ______ (54), these’s a good ______ (55) that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid. Just like you may have ______ (56) your mom’s blue eyes or your uncle’s long lags , you probably inherited bedwetting too.   The most important thing to remember is that no one ______ (57) the bed on purpose. It doesn’t mean that you’re ______ (58) or a slob (懒汉). It’s something you can’t help ______ (59).For some reason, kids who wet the bed are
A. function
B. chance
C. risk
D. ability

更多"Bedwetting   Million of kids and t"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Bedwetting   Million of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night, it’s so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it. Most kids don’t ________ (51) their friends, so it’s easy to feel kind of alone, like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed. But you are not ________ (52).   The fancy ______ (53) for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis (夜间遗尿). Enuresis runs in families. This means that if you urinate (排尿), or pee, which you are ______ (54), these’s a good ______ (55) that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid. Just like you may have ______ (56) your mom’s blue eyes or your uncle’s long lags , you probably inherited bedwetting too.   The most important thing to remember is that no one ______ (57) the bed on purpose. It doesn’t mean that you’re ______ (58) or a slob (懒汉). It’s something you can’t help ______ (59).For some reason, kids who wet the bed are
A. inherited
B. made
C. seen
D. bought
[单项选择]Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage (排泄) tubes surgically implanted in their ears to combat persistent infections. The procedure, known as tympanostomy, may not be as (67) as the tonsillectomy was in the 1940s, but it now (68) as the nation’s leading childhood (69) and a new study suggests it’s being vastly overused. In (70) more than 6,000 scheduled ear tube operations, a team of experts (71) by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman found that fewer than half were clearly justified. "Each year", the researchers write in the current Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "several hundred thousand children in the United States may be (72) tympanostomy tubes that offer them no demonstrated (73) ...and may place them at increased (74) ."
Tube placement isn’t a (75) risky procedure, but it costs $1,000 to $t,500 and sometimes scars the eardrum, causing a pa
A. by
B. upon
C. with
D. along


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