Urban life has always involved a
balancing of opportunities and rewards against dangers and stress; its
motivating force is, in the broadest sense, money. Opportunities to make money
mean competition and competition is stressful; it is often most intense in the
largest cities, where opportunities are greatest. The presence of huge numbers
of people inevitably involves more conflict, more traveling, the overloading of
public services and exposure to those deviants and criminals who are drawn to
the rich pickings of great cities. Crime has always flourished in the relative
anonymity of urban life, but today’s ease of movement makes its control more
difficult than ever; there is much evidence that its extent has a direct
relationship to the size of communities. City dwellers may become trapped in
their homes by the fear of crime aroun A. dislike having to travel far to work B. don’t like the idea of living in the suburbs C. have been forced by circumstances to do so D. have turned against society [单项选择]
患者女性,16岁,流涕、咽痛1周,咳嗽、咳黄色黏痰1天。查体:体温38℃,血压120/70mmHg,咽部充血明显,扁桃体Ⅰ度肿大,充血,无脓性分泌物,双肺呼吸音稍粗,胸部X片示双肺纹理稍粗,血常规白细胞11.4×109/L,中性87%。予青霉素800万u静脉滴注治疗1天后突发高热、皮疹、关节疼痛,并出现尿量进行性减少。 该患者除考虑急性上呼吸道感染,还应考虑合并最可能的诊断是()A. 感染性休克 B. 急性肾小球肾炎 C. 急进性肾小球肾炎 D. 急性药物过敏性间质性肾炎 E. 慢性肾小球肾炎 [判断题]建筑物顶层广告设施基础与原有建筑物主体连接的基本要求是:不能破坏原建筑物结构强度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中的《空调列车服务质量规范》第7.2.1条规定,服务语言表达规范、准确,使用( )等服务用语。
A.“请、您好、谢谢、对不起、再见” B.“请、您好、谢谢” C.“请、您好、再见” D.“您好、谢谢、再见” [单项选择]A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analysis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ().Which store subsets of data from a warehouse.
A. OLTPs B. transactions C. data marts D. OLAPs [单选题]血浆蛋白琼脂糖电泳图谱中脂蛋白迁移率从快到慢的顺序是
A.脂蛋白、β脂蛋白、前β脂蛋白、CM B.β脂蛋白、前β脂蛋白、β脂蛋白、CM C.α脂蛋白、前β脂蛋白、β脂蛋白、CM D.CM、α脂蛋白、β脂蛋白、前β脂蛋白 E.β脂蛋白、前β脂蛋白、α脂蛋白、CM [单项选择]The head of the Australian government is the ______.
A. British monarch, represented by a governor-general B. President C. Prime Minister D. Queen [多项选择]弱视在临床上主要分为()
A. 屈光不正性弱视 B. 斜视性弱视 C. 屈光参差性弱视 D. 形觉剥夺性弱视 E. 麻痹性弱视 [多项选择]关于中药饮片处方的书写,正确的是()
A. 中药饮片应单独开具处方 B. 中药饮片处方的书写,可按君、臣、佐、使的顺序排列 C. 药物调剂、煎煮的特殊要求注明在药品左上方,并加括号 D. 对饮片的产地、炮制有特殊要求的,应在药名之前写明 E. 每张处方不得超过5种药品 我来回答: 提交