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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:17:36

[简答题]Since the island soil has been barren for so many years, the natives must now __________ much of their food.
A. A.deliver

更多"Since the island soil has been barr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Since the island soil has been barren for so many years, the natives must now______much of their food.
A. deliver
B. import
C. produce
D. develop
[单项选择]The finance minister has not been so ( ) since he raised taxes to an unbearable level.
A. famous
B. favorable
C. popular
D. preferable
[单项选择]Since ancient times it has been known that your word is a cause set in motion. In fact, the universe itself is claimed to have emanated from a single primordial sound. In the science of yoga, it is believed that certain Sanskrit words, known as mantras, can bring about magical results, thus you can secure abundance with a certain mantra, peace with another, and so on. On a more practical level, your word still remains highly potent.
With your words, you can wound someone, sending them into spirals of defeat, and with your words you can heal someone, raising them up from a dismal place to soaring hope and motivation. In fact, the entire field of self-improvement is the transmission of words that will assist others to get a firm perspective and move forward with their lives, fulfilling their dreams and desires.
On a personal level, too, your words affect you. What you say to yourself about anyone or anything affects you, too. If you speak well of someone or something, yo
A. words are changeable from time to time
B. words can have great influence on other things
C. the same word can have different meanings for different people
D. words can lead to both good and bad results
[填空题]How many years has she been married?
She has been married ().
[单项选择]The finance minister has not been so ______ since he raised taxes to an unbearable level.
A. famous
B. favorable
C. popular
D. preferable
[简答题]A plant that has been slightly underwatered so that it droops strikes terror into the heart of its new owner.
[单项选择]Since 1975 there has been in the United States a dramatic decline in the incidence of traditional childhood diseases such as measles. This decline has been accompanied by an increased incidence of Peterson’s disease, a hitherto rare viral infection, among children. Few adults, however, have been affected by the disease.
Which of the following, if true, would best help to explain the increased incidence of Peterson’s disease among children ?()
A. Hereditary factors determine in part the degree to which a person is susceptible to the virus that causes Peterson’s disease.
B. The decrease in traditional childhood diseases and the accompanying increase in Peterson’s disease have not been found in any other country.
C. Children who contract measles develop an immunity to the virus that causes Peterson’s disease.
D. Persons who did not contract measles in childhood might contract measles in adulthood, in which case the consequences of the disease would generally be more severe.
E. Those who have contracted Peterson’s disease are at increased risk of contracting chicken pox.
[单项选择]How many times has Lucy been in Yantai
A. 3 times.
B. 4 times.
C. 5 times.
[单项选择]Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need adopt a different() to it.
A. approach
B. way
C. means
D. method
[单项选择]How many years has the testing been suspended
A. Eight
B. Seven.
C. Six.
D. Nine.
How many times has he been late this month
A. (A) Two.
B. (B) Three.
C. (C) Four.
D. (D) Eight.
[单项选择]It has been proven many times that farmers farm their own land more carefully and productively than they cultivate someone else’s soil. Again, a prime example comes from Japan, where, at the close of World War II, huge stretches of (67) were in the hands of absentee landlords (在外地主), (68) by tenants. Among the changes (69) by the U. S. occupation was a land reform (70) that put the farms in the hands of the individual farmers (71) owners, not tenants; the landlords were expropriated (剥夺了地主的财产). Many of the farms thus assigned were small, (72) production rose enormously. Today, Japanese (73) , meticulous (细致的) in their care of the land and its (74) , produce up to four times as (75) grain per unit area as do other Asian farmers. Land reform programs in other (76) of the world have had similar, if not quite as dramatic, (77) on yields. Mexico began major land (78) after the revo
A. signed
B. overtaken
C. assigned
D. fenced


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