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发布时间:2023-11-19 20:15:24

[简答题]All the information you need to apply for your visa is___________________(可以免费获取).

更多"All the information you need to app"的相关试题:

[单项选择]( ), you need to give all you have and try your best.
A. Being a winner
B. To be a winner
C. Be a winner
D. Having been a winner
[填空题]You will need your parents’ ______ if you want to go on the school trip. (permit)
[简答题]Whatever your individual need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. (Passage 2)
[单项选择]With all your brains you () the math test, but you failed. You were too careless.
A. should pass
B. should have passed
C. must pass
D. must have passed
[填空题]You need rich people in your society basically because of______.
[填空题]By solving your divorce problem online, you need to pay £100.
[单项选择]If you need something that you can not reach easily, politely ask the person closest to the item you need to pass it to you.
A. 如果你需要东西但又去不了,你就得礼貌地找个和你关系最近的人替你去取。
B. 如果你需要什么又很难够着,那就礼貌地请离你所需要的东西最近的人递给你。
C. 如果你需要东西但又到不了那儿,你就得礼貌地请别人去把你需要的东西递给你。
D. 如果你需要的是你很难够到的东西,那就礼貌地让离它近一点的人过去把它递给你。
[简答题]Your Work or Your StudiesDo you think you will need to receive any training in the future
[单项选择]Will you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer()
A. 明年夏季您是否有经验为您旅馆设一名办公室经理
B. 您旅馆下一个夏季想找一名有经历的前台领班吗
C. 来年夏季您旅馆是否有经验想招收一名前台服务员
D. 不知贵旅馆明年夏天是否需要一名有经验的前台服务员
[简答题]Your Work or Your StudiesDo you like your job
[填空题]You need to improve your knowledge in (write) ______ English.


M: Susan, I could really need your help this weekend.
W: What is it, John Another term paper
M: No, no. This is easy compared to that. My cousin is coming on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt that I’ll look after her. We are going to the game on Friday, but Saturday I’m on duty at the library all day and can’t get out of it. Uh, I was wondering if you could show her around during the day and maybe we can all meet for dinner later.
W: Sure. I don’t have any plans. What kind of things does she like to do
M: Actually I haven’t seen her for three years. She lives so far away. But this will be her first time on a college campus, she is still in high school. So she probably enjoys anything on campus.
W: Well, there is a music festival in the auditorium. That’s a possibility. Only I hope it doesn’t snow.
M: Well, I’ll plan on dropping her off at your place o
A. Show his cousin around the campus.
B. Go out for a dinner.
C. Help him finish another term paper.
D. Go to the park.

[简答题]Your Work or Your StudiesWould you like to change your job
[单项选择]If you concentrate all your efforts on the study of English, you will surely master the language well.
A. 如果把全部精力都集中在英语学习上,你就肯定会掌握好这种语言。
B. 要是你用全部时间学习英语,那将只能学好一种语言。
C. 假如你把所有精力都用来学习英语,就将能学会这种语言。
D. 如果你化了一切力量来学英语,学好这种语言是没问题的。
[单项选择]You can insure all your property against loss by theft or fire during your stay in Canada()
A. 你可以在加拿大为你个人的财产投保偷盗险和火险。
B. 在加拿大逗留期间,为使你的个人财产不遭偷盗和火灾,可以进行保险。
C. 在加拿大逗留期间,你的全部个人财产都可以投保盗窃险和火险。
D. 如果你在加拿大,个人财产一定要保证防止发生火灾和偷盗。
[单项选择]I need your advice ____ which computer to buy.
A. on
B. for
C. to
D. with


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