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发布时间:2023-12-29 07:11:09

[简答题]If you can supply the cargo we require, please accept this as our order.

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W: Please, please, can you help me I. seem to have lost my handbag.
M: Calm down, madam. Well, I’ll have to fill out this report for you. What color is it, madam
W: Well, it is a white one.
M: How big is it
W: Mm, I guess it’s about one foot long and seven inches tall.
M: One foot long and seven inches tall. What’s in the bag, madam
W: There is a wallet, two keys, and a letter.
M: And where did you leave it’
W: I am sure I left it in the coffee shop on the 5th floor.
M: Don’t worry, madam. I am sure we can find it. Now could you give me your name, your address and telephone number

Where did the conversation most probably take place ( )
A. In a restaurant.
B. In the police station.
C. In a shop.

OK, everybody. Be quiet, please! Can we begin the meeting now I am Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. I am honored to declare that all of you have been chosen as representatives to plan the graduation ceremony. Within a moment, I am sending around a sheet of paper for each of you and you are required to write down your names and telephone numbers. Also, please write down which part of the ceremony you’d like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you will have a lot of responsibilities to shoulder. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. What’s more, the time for next meeting has been changed. Yesterday I said that it would be held two days later. But now after our further discussion, it will be on next Friday. At our next meeting, one week from today, we will start to discuss the details of the graduation ceremony. At la
A. To determine who will graduate this year.
B. To discuss the seating arrangement.
C. To begin planning the graduation ceremony.

[填空题]What can you learn from stamps We can learn many things about ______ from stamps.
[单项选择]Please put up your hands if you can answer this question.
A. raise
B. reach
C. wave
D. shake
[填空题]It is a great (please) ()that we have you as our guest.
[单项选择]Could you please ______ why you can’t come to attend the meeting
A. explain
B. understand
C. give
D. reach
[单项选择]How can I convince you of that we have almost used up our supplies( )
A. How
B. of that
C. used up
D. supplies

M:Be quiet, please. Can I remind you what you should do
W: Certainly. Go ahead, please.
M:Don’t touch the electricity and put everything in order. OK

Can you guess what the man is()
A. Maybe a teacher.
B. Maybe a student.
C. Maybe a meeting organizer.

M: Come in, please. What can I do for you
W: Professor Donald, are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester
M: Yes, I’m planning on it.
W: I wonder if I could enroll in it. I know it’s a graduate course and I am only a junior, but...
M: Aren’t you a bit young I’ve allowed qualified seniors to take the course. They must read at least a dozen of books totally and are required to write the same number of book reviews and one additional report. They usually have a hard time keeping up.
W: I know, but the geology of the American West is my major interest and I’ve done a lot of reading in the field. Last semester I took Professor Barman’s course, and I didn’t find it nearly challenging enough.
M: I see. You certainly aren’t one of those students who are out for easy grades.
W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.
M: Well, I’ll speak to


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