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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:19:03

[填空题]A: Good afternoon. Shenyue Restaurant. Can I help you B: Yes, I’d like to__________________ for tomorrow, please. A: Certainly. At what time, sir B: _______ O’clock in the afternoon. A: For how many people, sir B: There’ll be ________ of us A: Ok. A table for ________ people tomorrow afternoon at ______ o’clock. Could I have your name, please B: Yes, it’s Gary Green. A: Mr. Green. We look ____________________ you tomorrow. B: Thank you very much. Bye. Ok. A table for ________ people tomorrow afternoon at ______ o’clock. Could I have your name, please

更多"A: Good afternoon. Shenyue Restaura"的相关试题:

[填空题]A: Good afternoon. Shenyue Restaurant. Can I help you B: Yes, I’d like to__________________ for tomorrow, please. A: Certainly. At what time, sir B: _______ O’clock in the afternoon. A: For how many people, sir B: There’ll be ________ of us A: Ok. A table for ________ people tomorrow afternoon at ______ o’clock. Could I have your name, please B: Yes, it’s Gary Green. A: Mr. Green. We look ____________________ you tomorrow. B: Thank you very much. Bye. B: Yes, I’d like to__________________ for tomorrow, please.

W: Hello, how can I help you
M: Good morning. I seem to have hurt my wrist.
W: Yes How did you do that
M: Well, I’m not actually sure. I think... I did go to party last night, and urn, I sort of fell up the steps, and I may have done it then.
W: You fell on it, do you think
M: Well, I think so. I do remember falling over.
W: OK, let me have a look at it, could I Yes, it’s rather serious. Dose this hurt
M: Yes it does actually, yes.
W: Well, my advice is that you should get it X-rayed. I think it could be broken.

What happened to the man last night ()
A. He lost his wrist watch in a party.
B. He was robbed on the way to attend a party.
C. He fei1 up the steps and hurt his wrist,
D. He fell over the bicycle and broke his wrist.

Conversation 1
W: Good morning, can I help you
M: Yes, please. (7)I’d like to cash two traveler’s cheques.
W: Could you sign your name here please
M: Sure.
W: Thank you. How would you like your money
M: In hundreds and fifties, please.
W: Ok. It’s 1,660 yuan, here you are.
M: Thanks. May I know the exchange rate
W: Well, at the moment the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB is 1:8.3. You give me two $100 cheques; here is 1,660 yuan. Is that right
M: Yes, thanks.

Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a supermarket.
B. In a bank.
C. In an office.
D. In a stock market.

Conversation 2
M:Good morning.Can I help you
W:Yes.I want a new (1)doorbell for my back door.
M:Which one do you want—(2)Model 8, Model 9 or Model 10
W:Which one is the best
M:I think (3)Model 8 is stronger and cheaper than the other two.
W:How much is it
M:It costs 5 dollars.
W:Let me have a look.well, (3)it looks nice.I’ll take it.
M:OK.Let me pack it for you.
W:Here is the money.Thank you.
M:You are welcome.

What does the woman want to buy ()
A. A back door.
B. A black door.
C. A doorbell.
D. A door clock.

M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Yes. I bought this blouse here last week. But there seems to be something wrong with it.

Where does the conversation take place( ).
A. A clothes shop.
B. A bookstore.
C. A shoe shop.

M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Yes. I bought this blouse here last week. But there seems to be something wrong with it.

Where does the conversation take place ( )
A. A clothes shop.
B. A bookstore.
C. A shoe shop.

W: Good morning, can I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to know something about the weather in New York this week.
W: Well, it’s fairly hot and there’s much rain in the evenings.
M: I see, thanks very much for your help.

What’s the weather like in New York these days ( )
A. Windy.
B. Very hot.
C. A bit cold.

Conversation 2
W:Good morning.can I help you
M:Yes, I’m Stone Williams.I’ve (9)reserved a room here.
W:Let me check.Yes, a single room for (10) one night.
M:That’s right.
W:Would you please fill out this registration form
M:Certainly.Oh.how much do you charge a day
W:(10)30 dollars a day.
M:All right.here is the form.
W:Thanks.Here is your room key.Have a good day.

What is the conversation about ()
A. Having a meal in a restaurant.
B. Checking in at a hotel.
C. Booking a ticket at a station.
D. Reserving a seat in a cinema.

W: Next! Good morning, can I help you
M. This place is a madhouse! Everybody is pushing and shoving!
W: Yes, I know. We are short-handed and we are very crowded today Now what can I do for you
M: I want a ticket to New York.
W: Okay. One way or round trip
M: One way, of course. I don’t want to hang around here any longer. was here in Los Angeles last year and I hated it. I come here on business every year and I hate it. It’s too spread out, too smoggy!
W: That’ll be $ 375. How would you like to pay
M: Cash, of course. I don’t believe in plastic money or credit cards, or any of that. Listen, can you hurry it up You’re taking forever!
W: I’m doing my best, sir. Aisle or window seat
M: Window seat.
W: Smoking or nonsmoking
M: Nonsmoking, of course! Oh, by the way, I’m supposed to get a special meal. Doctor’s order — I can’t eat meat. Las
A. He will live in New York forever.
B. He will not do business in Los Angeles.
C. He can’t pay the round trip ticket.
D. He hates Los Angeles and does not want to be here again.


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