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发布时间:2024-03-12 00:06:16

[简答题]Even if you make the decision to treat your negotiating opponent with honesty and kindness, the other party may not extend you the same respect. Be prepared to stand your ground firmly, yet cordially, especially in the last few minutes of the negotiations. (6 marks)()

更多"Even if you make the decision to tr"的相关试题:

Greyhound Can Make Your Next Trip Even Easier

Tickets by mails. Avoid lining up altogether, by purchasing your tickets in advance, and having them delivered right to your mailbox. Just call Greyhound at least 10 days before your departure (1 - 800 - 231 - 2222).
Prepaid tickets. It is easy to purchase a ticket for a friend or family member no matter how far away they may be. Just call or go to your nearest Greyhound terminal (票务点) and ask for details on how to buy a prepaid ticket.
Ticketing requirement. Greyhound now requires that all tickets have travel dates fixed at the time of purchase. Children under two years of age travel free with an adult who has a ticket.
If your destination (目的地) is to Canada or Mexico. Passengers traveling to Canada or Mexico must have the proper travel documents. U.S., Canadian or Mexican citizens should have a birth certifica
A. an airline
B. a hotel
C. a website
D. a bus company

Even if your child is an excellent student, you can’t expect that he will always dutifully do his homework. The following is some useful advice for helping them deal with their homework.
Set a regular time and place for study. Give homework its own special time and place, and if your child is in middle or high school, let her set her own timetable.
Take it step by step. Children may get overwhelmed (压倒) by too much homework they have to do. Encourage your child to calmly work out what needs to be done and how much time it will take, and then make a plan. Help your child break homework down into manageable steps.
Help out. You shouldn’t have to do your child’s homework or re-teach the material covered in class, but you can help out by showing your interest and by encouraging independent (独立的) problem solving.
Praise a job well done. Kids, no matter what their age,
A. Parents.
B. Teachers.
C. Headmasters.
D. Students.

[单项选择]Suppose you make your parents so happy, they decide to have another baby just like you. It might be flattering(讨人喜欢的), but how would you feel about having a little brother or sister who is also your twin
A laboratory experiment conducted last fall suggests it may someday be possible. For the first time ever, scientists made exact copies, or clones(克隆), of a human embryo.
Although the embryos grew for only six days, cloned embryos could theoretically be implanted in a woman’s womb(子宫)and develop into normal babies. Or they could be frozen and implanted years later.
The scientists developed their cloning technique to make it easier for childless couples to have babies by in vitro(在体外的)fertilization. In this procedure, sperm(精子) from the man fertilizes an egg from the woman in a laboratory dish.
In most case, doctors must try implanting several embryos before one stays in the womb. Cloned embryos would give them many more embryos to implant.
But the technique coul
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

When you make your travel arrangement to Oxford, Ohio, you should make plans to arrive here at least a week before classes begin. So you can get to know the University and the area. The University holds a short guiding program for all new foreign students before your decision for classes, and you will be expected to attend this program.
A valuable service to foreign students traveling to the U.S. is provided by the International Student Service (ISS) in New York, which is well-known for its good work. If you send your travel plan to the ISS, someone will meet you at the port of entry to the U.S., and provide other help. There is no payment for these services. For more information, contact:
International Student Service
356 West 34th Street, Third Floor
New York 10017 USA
When you arrive in Oxford, you should first visit the office of ISS. The director will help you find the place of your stay, answer questions, and help in other ways. This


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