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发布时间:2024-07-26 06:02:59

[单项选择]The attraction of opposite charges is one of the force that keep electrons in orbit around of nucleus of an atom.

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Details of telephone charges can be found at the front of any telephone directory ( 电话簿), where you will see that the cost of your call will depend not only on the duration and distance but aim on what time of day the call is made and sometimes on whether or not it is made at the weekend or during the week. Between most places in Britain it is now possible to dial direct by STD ( Subscriber Trunk Dialing) (拥护直通长途电话). Charge rates are higher for calls made from coin - box phones and call offices than for those made from ordinary lines, and calls connected by the operator are normally more expensive than calls you dial direct.
STD facilities now exist between Britain and most countries in Western Europe and also with a number of other overseas countries beside. Other calls will require the assistance of the operator. Charge rates for international calls depend broadly on the same factors as for inland calls. Full details of international telephone charges and servic
A. direct from ordinary lines
B. through the operator
C. from call offices
D. from coin - box phones

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How Facebook Makes Us Unhappy

A. No one joins Facebook to be sad and lonely. But a new study from the University of Michigan psychologist Ethan Kross argues that that’s exactly how it makes us feel. Over two weeks, Kross and his colleagues sent text messages to eighty-two Ann Arbor residents five times per day. The researchers wanted to know a few things: how their subjects felt overall, how worried and lonely they were, how much they had used Facebook, and how often they had had direct interaction with others since the previous text message. Kross found that the more people used Facebook in the time between the two texts, the less happy they felt—and the more their overall satisfaction declined from the beginning of the study until its end. The data, he argues, shows that Facebook was making them unhappy.
B. Research into the alienating nature of the Internet—and Facebook in particular—supports Kross’s conclusion. In 1998, Rober


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