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发布时间:2024-07-30 21:31:03

[简答题] (A) large amount of fat is normally deposited in the liver, (in which) it may (oxidized) (to release) energy.

更多"(A) large amount of fat is normally"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is necessary that the amount of fat in your food be limited.
A. 食物中有限的脂肪是很必要的。
B. 有限的脂肪是食物中的必要因素。
C. 食物中的脂肪含量应该是有限的,这是很必要的。
D. 对身体很有必要的脂肪,往往在食物中是有限的。
[填空题]There have been a large amount of large deals between Indian and Chinese companies in recent months.
[填空题]Large or fat people who want to look ______ (small) than they are usually wear dark clothes.
[单项选择]Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded()other more well-informed experimenters failed.
A. as
B. unless
C. what
D. where
[单项选择]Earning so large an amount of money every month, why does he always complain that he has no money to buy his favorite books()
A. 每月都能挣大把的钱,为什么他一直在抱怨没钱买他钟爱的书呢
B. 每月得到那么大数额的钱,他为何总在诉说没钱买好书的事呢
C. 每月挣那么多钱,他怎么还老是抱怨没钱买他喜爱的书呢
D. 每月收入那么丰厚,他却总说没钱买他喜欢的书,这是为什么
[多项选择]Mr. Lee is going to buy a large amount of electronic components from your company. He also shows an interest in your company‘s PCX phone machine, which is in the charge of Mr. Angus Beard, your colleague. Mr. Lee would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale.   . Write a short note to Mr. Angus Beard ,one of your colleagues.   . Tell him the fact that Mr. Lee is interested in PCX phone.   . Mention the number he wants to have.   . suggest their direct contact.   . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet
[判断题]() Petty cash is a large amount of money kept in an office.
[简答题]话题类别 广告类 考题文字: Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
[填空题]She _____ a large amount of money from her father when he died.
[单项选择]Windows 98支持的FAT文件系统有FAT12、FAT16和FAT32,其中FAT12和FAT16的根目录所占用的的扇区是固定的。对于硬盘来说,如采用FAT16文件系统,其根目录所占用的扇区为32个,则根目录中最多可以存储多少个目录项?

[填空题]Last year a large amount of money__________( 花在环境保护上).

A. 224
B. 256
C. 512
D. 1024
[单项选择]In fisheries in general, when a large harvest is taken one year, there will be fewer fish available to be harvested in the following year, leading to decreasing yields of most fish species over time. The Maine lobster is an anomaly, however. Even though the vast number of lobster traps covering the New England coast pull in more lobsters every year, the number of lobsters in the water has shown no signs of decreasing.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the apparent anomaly concerning the number of Maine lobsters ?()
A. The decline of other fish species in the region has deprived the lobster of its natural food source of scavenged fish.
B. The bait in lobster traps provides abundant food for young lobsters, which are still small enough to swim out of the traps, leading to much higher survival rates among young lobsters than would be expected in nature.
C. As global warming heats the waters of the Atlantic coastline, the Maine lobster has extended its northern range to well past Nova Scotia.
D. The ever-increasing demand for lobsters in seafood restaurants and steakhouses across the country has driven a corresponding increase in the supply of the product.
E. The increased lobster harvest has resulted in many juvenile lobsters but very few breeding-age lobsters, which could result in a crash in lobster numbers in the near future.

Last year we visited a large modem factory where they make window glass. We first saw workmen mixing sand and other materials together in the right amounts. Then they added some broken glass to the mixture as this helps it to melt. They then fed the mixture into a big hot oven. At the far end of the oven, a stream of liquid glass came out. Here some men lowered a metal frame into the liquid. As the frame came up, it pulled away a hot sheet of glass. Special rollers took hold of the sheet at either side and carried it upwards. Our guide told us that at this stage it was necessary for the glass to cool slowly as this would make it very strong. At a height of 30 feet, the sheet of glass became cool and another machine cut it into big pieces which workmen stored away together. The glass was now ready for use.

What sort of factory did we visit last year( ).


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