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发布时间:2023-10-08 20:09:18

[简答题]From English into Chinese:Irrevocable Letter of Credit

更多"From English into Chinese:Irrevocab"的相关试题:

A Letter from a Student

A letter written by a student proposes that the running trails around campus be paved over with cement. His suggestion is based on the following considerations: First, the current trails are made of sand and always get muddy after it rains. The runners slip very easily on the sandy trails. However, a cement trail would be skid-proof and much safer. Second, cement trails look nicer, and would attract more runners.
Question: The man expresses his opinion towards the student letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Questions 9-13
Choose the correct letter from A-D and write it in boxes 9-13 on your Answer Sheet.
Poor health amongst Ugandans
A. A.results from insufficient access to healthcare facilities.
B.can be attributed to poor economic conditions.
C.has resulted in increased mortality rates.
D.All of the above.

[单项选择]The tenants received a letter from the gas company ______ they have not yet paid their bill.
A. while
B. due to
C. because
D. instead of
[填空题]Here is the letter from a foreign company (concern) ______ the order of our new products.

A Letter from a Student

A student writes a letter to propose that the university should create a new magazine for psychology majors. The reasons are rather clear. First, the psychology program is first-rate. The students are all talented writers and are working to complete long thesis papers and other articles. Therefore, creating a psychology magazine will encourage more students of this major to publish their papers and gain some visibility. Second, other students can learn how to write papers, and it is an excellent way to recognize students who work hard.
Question: The discussion talks about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal and explain the woman’s opinion towards the letter and why she holds that opinion.
[单项选择]I()a letter from my sister yesterday.
A. accepted
B. received
C. took up
D. excepted
[简答题]Task Ⅰ
Directions: Here is part of a letter from an English friend:
Guess what My parents have given me some money for passing my exam, so I can splash out on something really special. I can’t choose between buying a new computer game or saving up a bit more and getting some clothes. Which do you think would be better And can you suggest What exactly I should get
Write a suitable reply to your friend. (120 words)
[单项选择]Man: I have received a letter from Harry this afternoon. He said he wants to know if he can get a job in your office for the summer.Woman: I rather think it would be better for him to get a job somewhere else to learn to stand on his own feet instead of depending on his family to help him.Question: What is the probable relationship between Harry and the man
A. Friends.
B. Relatives.
C. A real estate agent and a client.
D. A boss and an employee.
[填空题]Last summer the author got a letter from a man asking to cancel his wife’s subscription.

Dear Sirs,
We have just received a letter from our client in Indonesia advising that about 10% or, to be
exact ,9520 gunny(麻) bags have been found broken with a total loss of approximately 4,500 kgs of sugar. According to the Surveyor’s Landing Report, one copy of which is enclosed for your reference, the breakage of the bags is due mainly to the fragility(易碎)of the gunny bags. The Surveyors has further found that the bags are woven with jute (黄麻) of very inferior quality. Therefore, your corporation, instead of either the shipping company or their surer, should be hold responsible for the loss of the goods. In view of the preceding, you are requested to compensate our client in Jakarta for the total loss of sugar at the FAS(船边交货价)value of US $105.00 per ton. Your early settlement of this will be appreciated.
Faithfully yours,
B. Kaasen
Henderson Ltd.

Which kinds of letters does the letter belong to
It belong
[填空题]Move one letter from the first word and add it to the second word to make two new words. Example: hunt sip hut snip mouth food
[简答题]You’ve just received a letter from your friend, inviting you to spend the winter vacation with her in Suzhou. Write to ask her for permission to take your sister along with you. {{I}}Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.{{/I}}
[单项选择]It was Mary’s birthday. She received a letter from her uncle in a village.
"Dear Mary, "the letter said," Happy birthday. We have a good harvest this year. I am sending you some chickens. They will arrive tomorrow. I hope you like them. Best wishes, Uncle Toby."
Mary was very pleased. She liked eating eggs and she liked eating chicken. "I can keep the chickens for their eggs or eat them," she thought.
When the chickens arrived the next day, they were in a box. Mary was very glad. She took the box off the back of the truck and began to carry it into her garden.
However (然而), the box of chickens was heavy and she dropped it. The box fell to the ground and broke. The chickens all run out. They ran everywhere--into the neighbors’ (邻居) gardens, on to the road, into shops, even into the next street. Mary spent hours trying to find them and take them back to her garden.
A few days later her uncle came to visit her.
"Did the chickens arrive safely " he
A. it was Mary’s birthday
B. Mary’s uncle has a good harvest
C. chickens can lay eggs.


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