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发布时间:2023-10-28 04:33:41

[单项选择]Fujian Province lies ____ the east of China and Taiwan is ____ the east of Fujian.
A. in; in
B. to; in
C. to; to
D. in; to

更多"Fujian Province lies ____ the east "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Fujian Province lies ____ the east of China and Taiwan is ___ the east of Fujian.
A. in; in
B. to; in
C. to; to
D. in; to
[单项选择]China lies mainly in the northern temperate zone under the influence of monsoon(季风). From September and October to March and April next year monsoon blow from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau into China and decrease in force as it goes southward, causing dry and cold winter in the country and a temperature difference of 40℃ between the north and south. The temperature in China is 5℃ to 18℃ lower than that in other countries on the same latitude in winter. Monsoon blows into China from the ocean in summer, bringing warm and wet currents, thus rain.
Great differences in climate are found from region to region owing to China’s extensive territory and complex topography(地形). The northern part of Heilongjiang Province in northeast China has no summer, Hainan Island has a long summer but no winter; the Huaihe River valley features four clear seasons; the western part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is covered by snow all year round; the southern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is spring
A. Monsoon makes the temperature 5℃ to 18℃ lower.
B. Monsoon blowing from May to August brings rain.
C. Monsoon goes from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau.
D. Monsoon causes dry and cold summer in the country.
[简答题]申请人:李若南,女,1987年5月1日生于上海,华东师范大学(East China Normal University)外语系学生。 (2)学习经历:2003年7月至2006年6月在上海虹口中学读书,2006年9月至今在华东师范大学读书,获大学英语六级证书。 (3)工作经历:2007年7月至9月在中远上海分公司(COSCD,Shanghai Branch)做兼职秘书,欲觅外资企业秘书工作。 (4)联系地址:上海市松江区滨河路10号 电话:39276981 (5)证明人:陈东先生 华东师范大学外语系主任 程名先生 中远上海分公司进出口部经理 {{B}}Curriculum Vitae{{/B}} Full Name: ______ Sex: ______ Date of birth: ______ Place of birth: ______ Marital status: ______ Health: ______ Tel No.: ______ Present/Permanent address: ______ Objective: ______ Educational records: ______ Working experience: ______ Language proficiency: ______ References: ______

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Doctors in Cambridge, England, have been examining the (53) between health and fat distribution. They find that the pearshaped fat people have fewer problems (54) the appleshaped fat people. What seems to be most important is not how much fat you have but (55) you have it. The doctors measured the appleshaped women and pearshaped women with X-ray scanners. Human beings have two (56) of fat: one is outside fat, that is the fat below the skin, and the other is inside fat that (57) inside the body. Using the X-ray scanners, the doctors found that the "apples" have a large (58) of inside fat.
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