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发布时间:2023-11-15 18:17:44

[填空题]Public health experts say that (the) money one spends (avoiding) illness is (less) than the cost (to be) sick. A. the B. avoiding C. less D. to be

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[单项选择]Passage Four Public health experts have long been skeptical about the beneficial effect of pets on the health of their owners. After all, dogs bite and pass on parasites, and pigeons and parrots cause lung disease. However, in 1991, researchers at the University of Cambridge in Britain discovered that a short time after acquiring a cat or a dog, some people suffer less from health problems such as headache, backache and flu. It was also announced recently that Australians who keep pets tend to have less cholesterol in their blood than non-pet owners with comparable lifestyles, making them less likely to develop heart disease. For the time being, the findings are little more than puzzling correlations. Why should owning a pet make you less likely to suffer from backache Why should it reduce your cholesterol level Many researchers suspect that answers will be found in the subtle links between mental and physical well-being. If the newly discovered correlations between human hea
A. animals make good pets
B. pets help spread diseases
C. pets have good effects on their owners’ health
D. happy pets rarely suffer from heart disease
[单项选择]C   “Dad,” I say one day …..take a trip. Why don’t you fly and meet me”   My father had just reired……….. His job filled his day, his thought, his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.   My father sees me drfting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.   He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.   “ What is our first stop” asks my father.   “What time is it”   “Still don’t have a watch”   Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite( ), his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of little boy.   “Unbelievable,” he says, “How was this done”   A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Bor
A. followed the fashion
B. got bored with his job
C. was unhappy with……
D. liked the author’s collection of stamps
[填空题]When Health insurance companies say they don’t pay for the specialists outside the patient’s HMO, most patients ______.


Psychologists say the one factor that differentiates people who are creative from those who aren’t is belief-creative people believe they are creative. To be creative, you simply have to believe and act as if you are. Once you believe you are creative, you begin to find ideas and to imagine all kinds of probable and improbable solutions.
Here are a few techniques to help you get started looking for ideas you may already have in your mind.
Play a different role. Suppose you want to improve your company’s training program. Play the role of another person. Write, from the perspective of that role, what changes the person would make. Record any interesting thoughts or new ideas.
Randomly pick something and compare it with your problem. Open a dictionary and randomly, without looking, pick a word. Force yourself to make a comparison between the problem and the word.
Suppose you are having a problem with a manager and you randomly pick the wo
A. He should try to be as creative as possible.
B. He may set up a problem and then try to conceive all the possible solutions to it.
C. He should study all the techniques mentioned in the passage and try to use them.
D. He should play a different role from the one he plays now.

[简答题]One who makes no investigation has no right to speak.
[单项选择]Money is ()important than health
A. little    
B. many     
C. less
[单项选择]What does the woman say about the Sunflower Health Club ?()
A. The machines there were ill maintained.
B. Tickets for its members were cheaper.
C. It was filled with people all the time.
D. It had a reputation for good service.


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