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发布时间:2024-02-25 18:27:31

[单项选择]Passage Three Adolf Hitler survived an assassination attempt in 1944 with the help of penicillin made by the Allies, a microbiologist in the UK claims. If the Nazi leader had died from- bacterial infection of his many wounds, the Second World War might have been over a year earlier, saving millions of lives, says Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffiel , a noted historian of microbiology. In a paper to be published soon in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Wainwright reveals first-hand evidence that Hitler was treated with penicillin by his personal doctor, Thee Morrell, following an assassination attempt in which a bomb in a suitcase exploded next to Hitler’s desk, Hitler was badly hurt, fleeing the scene with his hair and trousers on fire, a badly bleeding arm and countless wooden splinter wounds from the oak table that probably saved his life. Wainwright found confirmation that Morrell gave Hitler antibiotics as a precaution in a recent translation of Morr
A. began to exercise precautions against his personal attacks
B. was anxious to have penicillin developed in his country
C. received an injection of penicillin for blood poisoning
D. was suspected of being likely to get infected

更多"Passage Three Adolf Hitler sur"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three Adolf Hitler survived an assassination attempt in 1944 with the help of penicillin made by the Allies, a microbiologist in the UK claims. If the Nazi leader had died from- bacterial infection of his many wounds, the Second World War might have been over a year earlier, saving millions of lives, says Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffiel , a noted historian of microbiology. In a paper to be published soon in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Wainwright reveals first-hand evidence that Hitler was treated with penicillin by his personal doctor, Thee Morrell, following an assassination attempt in which a bomb in a suitcase exploded next to Hitler’s desk, Hitler was badly hurt, fleeing the scene with his hair and trousers on fire, a badly bleeding arm and countless wooden splinter wounds from the oak table that probably saved his life. Wainwright found confirmation that Morrell gave Hitler antibiotics as a precaution in a recent translation of Morr
A. might have used biological weapons in the war
B. could not have committed suicide as confirmed
C. could have died of bacterial infection
D. might have survived a bacterial plague
[单项选择]Passage Four
Why has the kiwi survived while its relatives the moas have become extinct One reason, I think, is that it has adopted nocturnal(夜间活动的) habits. Kiwis are not normally about in the daytime. During the daylight hours they lie up in hiding, where enemies have no hope of finding them. Their coloration protects them; the strange drab(黄褐色的) feathering, so unlike that of most birds, gives them a cloak(伪装)of invisibility while they sleep. And when night falls, out they come to scratch in the ground and find worms and feed to their hearts’ content.
They couldn’t do that so effectively if they didn’t have another peculiarity that I have not mentioned yet. The nostrils(鼻孔) of most birds open high up near the base of the beak(猛禽的嘴), but the kiwi wears his nostrils right near the tip of the long bill. That’s good for a bird that feeds in th
A. it stays out of sight and sleeps during the day
B. it usually goes from place to place during the day
C. it changes the colour of its feather in the daytime
D. it is caught and eaten by its enemy in the daytime
[单项选择]Hitler sought to annihilate resistance movements throughout Europe.
A. exterminate
B. exceed
C. exclude
D. expel
[填空题]Book Three

[填空题]Article Three
[单项选择]Passage Three
A. Overcoming sleeping difficulties.
B. Getting rid of one’s depression.
C. Encouraging those in low spirits.
D. Finding the roots of loneliness.


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