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发布时间:2023-11-18 03:18:14

Passage 3
Many different meanings have been given to the word poetry. It would weary my readers if I were to discuss which of these definitions ought to be selected; I prefer telling them at once that which I have chosen. In my opinion, Poetry is the search after, and the delineation of, the Ideal.
The Poet is he who, by suppressing a part of what exists, by adding some imaginary touches to the picture, and by combining certain real circumstances that do not in fact happen together, completes and extends the work of nature. Thus the object of poetry is not to represent what is true, but to adorn it and to present to the mind some loftier image. Verse, regarded as the ideal beauty of language, may be eminently poetical; but verse does not of itself constitute poetry.
I now proceed to inquire whether among the actions, the sentiments, and the opinio
A. Democratic societies are more receptive than aristocratic societies.
B. Aristocratic societies are more receptive than democratic societies.
C. Aristocratic societies are not as receptive as democratic societies.
D. Democratic societies are just as more receptive as aristocratic societies.

更多"Passage 3 Many different meanings "的相关试题:

Passage 3
Many different meanings have been given to the word poetry. It would weary my readers if I were to discuss which of these definitions ought to be selected; I prefer telling them at once that which I have chosen. In my opinion, Poetry is the search after, and the delineation of, the Ideal.
The Poet is he who, by suppressing a part of what exists, by adding some imaginary touches to the picture, and by combining certain real circumstances that do not in fact happen together, completes and extends the work of nature. Thus the object of poetry is not to represent what is true, but to adorn it and to present to the mind some loftier image. Verse, regarded as the ideal beauty of language, may be eminently poetical; but verse does not of itself constitute poetry.
I now proceed to inquire whether among the actions, the sentiments, and the opinio
A. He doesn’t want his readers to be confused.
B. He wants to get to his point and not discuss definitions.
C. Many people have tried to define it, and he wanted to add another by giving his point of view.
D. He doesn’t think the other definitions are accurate.
Passage One
There have been three periods in the history of post-war broadcast interviewing. The first, "the age of respect", when it was an honour to have you, the interviewee, on the programme, lasted until the middle 50s. The second, "the age of supremacy", when politicians in particular looked upon the interviewers as rivals who made them feel uncomfortable by their knowledge and rigour of questioning, came to an end at the beginning of this decade. Now we are in "the age of evasion", when most prominent interviewees have acquired the art of seeming to answer a question whilst bypassing its essential thrust.
Why should this be From the complexity of causes responsible for the present commonplace interview form, a few are worth singling out, such as the revolt against rationality and the worship of feeling in its place. To the young
A. knew more about politics than they did
B. should be honoured to meet them
C. really were eager to be politicians too
D. gave them a difficult time in interviews
[填空题]Passage Ten Scientists have been finding evidence of life inside meteorites for well over 100 years — that, or the building blocks of life. The claims of life have proved false every time. It always turns out to be a wishful interpretation of chemicals, minerals and tiny structures inside the meteorite that could be the fossilized long-dead bacteria — but almost certainly aren’t.
[填空题]Pentagon. Many have been held for more than three years and the______.

[单项选择]Passage Two
Have you ever been startled by a loud noise or by someone appearing suddenly behind you on dark night or by a snake in the grass Do you remember the sudden, tight feeling in your chest, the way your heart started go pound, the way you seemed to breathe more rapidly Such reactions occurred because you were frightened. Your brain sent a signal to the special gland (腺) in your body caned the adrenal (肾上的) gland. Other parts of your body were involved, too, but the adrenal gland has a very special function.
The adrenal gland is located on top of your kidney. Since you have two kidneys. You also have two adrenal glands. Each adrenal gland is divided into two parts: a cortex (外皮) and a medulla (髓质). The cortex forms the outer shell; the medulla forms the central core. Both the cortex and the medulla secrete (分泌) hormones, but they hav
A. the human brain
B. glands and systems in the body
C. the cortex of the adrenal gland
D. the medulla of the adrenal gland
[单项选择]Passage Four Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it Are you afraid to ask someone for a date Many people are afraid to assert themselves (坚持已见). Dr. Robert Alberti, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it’s because of their lack of confidence. "Our structure of organization tends to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti. "There’s always a ’superior’ around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who knows better’. These ’superiors’ often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image." But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses—AT for short. In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting people. In one way, learning to speak out is to overc
A. get people to trust their own solutions to problems
B. keep people as knowledgeable as their "superiors"
C. train people’s capacity to speak up for their rights
D. make things more favorable for "superiors"


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