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发布时间:2023-11-07 22:12:18

[简答题]"As for their going along with us,"she said,"________ ".
A. A.my husband and myself certainly have no objection.
B.certainly my husband and I have no objection.
C.either I or my husband certainly have no objection.
D.either my husband or I certainly have no objection.

更多"'As for their going along with us,'"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She said she wouldn't call us the next day, ______ she
A. would B. wouldn't C. did D. didn't
[单项选择]She said she ( ) many good friends since she came to this city.
A. has made
B. makes
C. had made
D. made
[单项选择]She said she()many good friends since she came to this city.
A. has made
B. makes
C. had made
D. made

M:You said you were going to give us a special assignment this time.
W:Yes, you must do something interesting and be prepared to tell the class about it on Monday in about 200 words.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers( ).
A. Student and teacher.
B. Patient and doctor.
C. Secretary and boss.
D. Tourist and guide.

Where was Jane Tailor going one day She was going ______.
[填空题]By saying "the woman said she found my face a challenge" (Line 2, Para 1), the author suggests that her face is ______.


M: Sally said she couldn’t hear a word. Can you turn up the volume
F: Sorry, but I Can’t. This is the loudest volume I can do with this recorder.

What is wrong with the recorder( ).
A. The voice is too weak.
B. The sound is too loud.
C. The volume is out of order.
[单项选择]The mother said she would ______ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
A. let down
B. let alone
C. let off
D. let out
[填空题]Susan called her. She said that she had lost her money and would invite Lily next time.
It was Susan calling ______ that she had no money and would invite Lily next time.

[单项选择]She( )making tea for us as soon as she let us in
A. set out
B. set up
C. set off
D. set about
[单项选择]What he did is ( ) what he said to us. He didn't keep his promise.
A. just
B. related
C. nothing but
D. contrary to
[单项选择]She is always easy to get along with, but she is difficult to understand ()
A. at one time
B. at a time
C. at times
D. at all times
[单项选择]She told us that five years before, she had been just one of the high school students, but it seemed that overnight she turned into a singer()
A. 她告诉我们,五年前她不过是一个普通的高中生,然而似乎是在一夜之间她便成了歌星。
B. 五年前她跟我们说,她曾是那些高中生中的一员,但她在黑夜中摸爬滚打才如愿当上了歌星。
C. 她坦白说她是在五年前从一名高中生变成歌星。
D. 她对我们说,她只读了五年书,后来好像时来运转,她突然成了歌星。
[单项选择]A. She is going to Finland. B. She has visitors next week.
C. She has guests at her home. D. She has just visited him this week.
[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn't tolerate the long hours.( )
A. stand
B. spend
C. take
D. last
[单项选择]What was she going to do
A. To fix the button.
B. To prepare breakfast.
C. To wait for the school bus.
D. To wake up the children.
[单项选择]President Bush said US forces will remain in Iraq until ______.
A. Iraq’s deadly civil war
B. Liberia’s deadly civil war
C. the internationai pressure


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