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发布时间:2023-09-30 03:45:36

[填空题]Most of the new models displayed in the car exhibition (design) ______ in Germany a few years ago.

更多"Most of the new models displayed in"的相关试题:

[简答题]买保险 a new car
[单项选择]This new car goes ()any other car model
A. faster  
B. fast as
C. fastest  
D. faster than
[单项选择]Who has seen the new car
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. Ted Green.
[单项选择]Will the man buy a new car
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. We don’t know.
[单项选择]The museum's new building will have ( ) the exhibition space as before,
A. three times
B. three times like
C. three times as
D. three times larger
[单项选择]Passage Two
Most new words are made up from other earlier words; language-making is a conservative process, wasting little. When new words unfold out of old ones, the original meaning usually hangs around like an unrecognizable scent, a sort of secret.
There are two immense words from Indo-European, gene and bheu, each a virtual anthill in itself, from which we have constructed the notion Of everything. At the beginning or as far back as they are traceable, they meant something like being. Gene signified beginning, giving birth, while bheu indicated existence and growth. Gene turned itself successively into kund jaz (Germanic) and gecynd (Old English), meaning kin or kind. Kind was at first a family connection, later an elevated social rank, and finally came to rest meaning kindly or gentle. Meanwhile, a branch of gene became the Latin gens
A. how to coin new words
B. where to trace the origin of language
C. the evolution of words
D. language and nature
[单项选择]How does the man feel about his new car
[单项选择]What does the man feel about his new car
[填空题]To buy a new car, you should first prepare yourself for money and car model, and then have a test drive.


W: David said he bought a new car for five thousand dollars.
M: What kind is it
W: A BMW. I’m not sure which model.
M: Are you sure A BMW for five thousand Sounds pretty cheap to me!

What does the man think about the price of the car( ).
A. Reasonable.
B. Too high.
C. Unbelievabl
[填空题]Whether you make a decision to buy a new car or a used car, both can have merits and demerits.


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