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发布时间:2024-06-10 21:42:18


Part D You are going to read a passage about productive postponement. Decide whether the statements in the box agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following. A YES = the statement agree with the information in the passage B NO = the statement contradicts the information in the passage C NOT GIVEN = there is no information on this in the passage Productive postponement It’s a frustrating irony of the universe that the way to get something you really want is often not to want is so badly. Worry too hard about a task and the anxiety will prevent you performing your best; stop looking for love, goes the cliché, and that’s when you’ll find it. Try too hard to be happy and you’ll find yourself on a misery-inducing treadmill (单调的工作)of self-improvement efforts, contradictory advice and motivational seminars conducted by exceptionally dubious men in hotel ballrooms. The solution is to “let go” of worry, of

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Part D You are going to read a passage about productive postponement. Decide whether the statements in the box agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following. A YES = the statement agree with the information in the passage B NO = the statement contradicts the information in the passage C NOT GIVEN = there is no information on this in the passage Productive postponement It’s a frustrating irony of the universe that the way to get something you really want is often not to want is so badly. Worry too hard about a task and the anxiety will prevent you performing your best; stop looking for love, goes the cliché, and that’s when you’ll find it. Try too hard to be happy and you’ll find yourself on a misery-inducing treadmill (单调的工作)of self-improvement efforts, contradictory advice and motivational seminars conducted by exceptionally dubious men in hotel ballrooms. The solution is to “let go” of worry, of

[多项选择]Part A
You have read the job advertisement below in a newspaper and you want to apply for the job. Write a letter of application to the manager of the company, Mr. Nick, giving all the necessary personal information.
Secretary Needed
Knowledge of English and Chinese essential
College graduate, age 20-28
[单项选择]Passage Three
Imagine going to sleep in October and waking up in May! Well, marmots and ground squirrels stay warm by sleeping all winter. All this time, they do not wake up once. This special kind of sleep is called hibernation. During this sleep, the heart slows down, and the animal breathes more slowly, it doesn’t move around, so it uses less energy.
Animals like the marmot and the ground squirrel inhabit the coldest parts of the world. They need special talents to survive in these frigid places. Their furry coats keep them snug when the temperature falls below zero. It often gets this cold in the Arctic, a land that is just below the North Pole.
Before the long winter, some animals eat and eat. After a while, they grow very fat. When the winter comes, they live on the fat saved up in their bodies. Layers of fat keep an animal warm.<
A. the Arctic Summer
B. Marmots and Squirrels
C. Keeping Warm in the Arctic
D. Freezing Temperatures
[多项选择]Now read the passage about family functions. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
Begin reading now.
Reading Time: 45 seconds
Functions of Family

A family can be defined as a set of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society. Although it has many different forms, as a social institution, the family is present in all cultures. As a basic unit of sociology, what functions does the family perform in it According to William F. Ogburn, the family performs four very important functions in a society, namely, reproduction, protection, socialization, and supplying affection and companionship.

[简答题]Part 1 Introduction Tell me something about your work Tell me about your studies
[简答题] part 1 Introduction Tell me something about your work Tell me about your studies
[简答题]Part 1News Do you often read news How do you get news, by reading newspapers or surfing on the Internet Do you wanna become a broadcaster DO you like discussing news with your friends
[简答题]part 1City Tell me about the city you come from. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city
[简答题]Part 1 City Tell me about the city you come from. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city
[简答题]part 1 City Tell me about the city you come from. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city


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