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发布时间:2024-07-08 06:23:42

Houses of the Future

What will houses be like in thirty years’time No one really knows,but architects are trying to predict.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}
Future houses will have to be flexible.In thirty years’time even more of us will be working from home.So we will have to be able to use areas of the house for work for part of the day and for living for the rest.Families grow and change with children arriving,growing up and leaving home.{{U}} (47) {{/U}} Nothing will be as fixed as it is now.The house will always be changing to meet changing needs.
Everyone agrees that in thirty years’time we will be living in“intelligent”houses.We will be able to talk to our kitchen machines and discuss with them what to do.Like this:“We’ll be having a party this weekend.What food shall we cook ”{{U}} (48) {{/U}}We will be able to leave most of the coo


Public Relations

Public relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases , designed to promote (促进) goodwill and a favorable image.
Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm,{{U}} (46) {{/U}}. Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, government officials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually placed outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. This organizational placement can be a limitation because the public relations department or consultant (顾问) will likely not be in tune with marketing efforts . Poor communication and no coordination may be the consequences.{{U}} (47) {{/U}}, this influence generally may be less than th
Being Sick

People are physical, psychological (心理的) , spiritual (精神的) , and social human beings. They have certain basic needs that are necessary for life: physiological needs, the need for safety and security, love and belonging, esteem (尊重), and self-actualization. {{U}} (46) {{/U}}
Culture influences the lives of most people. {{U}} (47) {{/U}}
Being sick will affect a person physically, psychologically, and socially.
{{U}} (48) {{/U}} Daily activities bring personal satisfaction, worth, and contact with others. Most people feel frustrated (灰心的) and angry when they are unable to perform them. These feelings may become even greater if others must perform daily functions for the patient.
A sick person has many fears and worries. {{U}} (49) {{/U}} Some patients are able to explain why they are afraid. Others kee
{{B}}How Did She Conquer the Americans {{/B}}
African-American talk show queen Oprah Winfrey is the world’s most powerful celebrity, according to Forbes magazine.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}
Winfrey, 51, draws 30 million viewers weekly in the United States. Her talk show reaches 112 countries. She earned US$225 million over the past 12 months to rank second in celebrity riches.
The annual Forbes list gives most weight to annual earnings.{{U}} (47) {{/U}}
"After 21 years, her exciting chat show still rules the airwaves. It created new celebrities and hundreds of millions of dollars in profits," the magazine said.
Winfrey is most popular with her popular talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show". She can always attract the superstars and let them open up to her intimate interviewing style.
Last month, American actor Tom Cruise, 42, s


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