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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:28:09

[填空题]Graffiti Writers Serious graffiti writers regard what they do as a kind of _____ (21). Almost all graffiti writers use their skills on a(n) _____ (22) at some time or another. Graffiti writers are attracted to _____ (23) surfaces. Some local authorities have made graffiti writing _____ (24). Writers don‘t seem to be afraid of _____ (25). Graffiti writing on a(n) _____ (26) window is annoying. Graffiti writers are very fond of _____ (27), which are easy to work in. Graffiti writing on _____ (28) sometimes causes accidents. Local authorities would rather spend money on facilities like _____ (29) than removing graffiti. One local authority suggested holding a(n) _____ (30) for writers in an old building.

更多"Graffiti Writers Serious graffiti w"的相关试题:

[填空题]Graffiti Writers Serious graffiti writers regard what they do as a kind of _____ (21). Almost all graffiti writers use their skills on a(n) _____ (22) at some time or another. Graffiti writers are attracted to _____ (23) surfaces. Some local authorities have made graffiti writing _____ (24). Writers don‘t seem to be afraid of _____ (25). Graffiti writing on a(n) _____ (26) window is annoying. Graffiti writers are very fond of _____ (27), which are easy to work in. Graffiti writing on _____ (28) sometimes causes accidents. Local authorities would rather spend money on facilities like _____ (29) than removing graffiti. One local authority suggested holding a(n) _____ (30) for writers in an old building.
[单项选择]It seems to me that all writers, including those who deserve to be classified as geniuses, need encouragement, particularly in their early years. I always knew I could write, but that just meant I wrote a little better than the other kids in my classes. That I might one day write well enough to derive income from my efforts, oddly enough, never occurred to me during my grade school and high school years.
There was a particular teacher at Hyde Park High School in Chicago, Illinois, who, simply by concentrating her attention on me, made me believe that I might be able to master the knack of writing well enough to consider the craft as a profession. Her name was Marguerite Byrne, and she taught English, which, of course, involved writing skills. Whatever instruction she shared with me was exactly the same as all her other students enjoyed, but the difference was that she encouraged me to begin the process of submitting things I was writing, in that day, chiefly poems.
To my surp
A. She gave him special instructions.
B. She taught him special English writing skills.
C. She gave him special attention.
D. She encouraged the author to publish his writings.
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Graffiti is drawing or writing often found in a wall in public places, These drawings and writings are usually rude, humorous, or political. The words "graffiti" comes from an Italian word meaning address. Graffiti provides a record of the past because people have written on wails for centuries. Cave drawings are the earliest examples we have of the art of graffiti.
Writing. on wails is a way to comment on the world we live in. Women’s liberation groups in Britain, for example, have used graffiti to show their anger at the sex discrimination of many advertisements where women’s bodies are used to sell goods.
Yesterday’s graffiti can be today’s foreign attraction. When the Berlin wall came down in 1989, people found that it was covered with graffiti from all over the world. Graves of famous people, like rock-star Jim Morrison, are covered with written messages from fans.
Graffiti is also a popular art form. Graffiti picture
A. To show that mindless graffiti can provoke violence.
B. To show that Londoners have a special liking for graffiti.
C. To show that graffiti, in some cases, can constitute a crime.
D. To show that graffiti can make the environment more colorful.


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