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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:29:05

[单项选择]One of the major rivers of the western United States, ____ flows for some 1,5000 miles from Colorado to northwestern Mexico.
A. it is the Colorado River
B. the Colorado River which
C. and the Colorado River
D. the Colorado River

更多"One of the major rivers of the west"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A mandatory traceability system in the United States would help improve the safety of food, such as produce, a health official told lawmakers on Wednesday, and three weeks after the government declared an end to the worst foodborne outbreak in a decade. In the past, some produce firms, including many in the tomato industry, use voluntary traceability programs but their approaches vary.
Lawmakers said a mandatory program was overdue, and would help U.S. regulators improve safety and restore consumer confidence in food following a series of foodborne outbreaks since 2006.
"It is the system that is broken," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, chair of the House Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture. "You still do not have mandatory traceability, mandatory performance standards. You are looking for a needle in a haystack." Regulators struggled to pinpoint the source of an outbreak of Salmonella St. Paul earlier this year that sickened more than 1,400 people and put 286 in the hos
A. compulsory
B. voluntary
C. recommendable
D. improved
[单项选择]Passage 1 Nikolai arrived in the United States from Eastern Europe with his wife and two small children. Despite the fact that Nikolai spoke three languages (Russian, German, and Polish), neither he nor his wife spoke any English. They came to the United States as refugees. Nikolai thought he was fortunate to have located a distant cousin, who sponsored him and his family and offered them temporary housing in the apartment building that he owned. Very soon Nikolai began picking up English words. He needed a job to support his family, but because of his poor English and lack of formal education, he worried about his job prospects in the United States. A neighbor in the apartment building told him that job advertisements were frequently posted on a nearby bulletin board (公告牌). Nikolai went to the bulletin board together with an acquaintance, who read and spoke both Russian and English, to see what jobs were available. Nikolai listened intently as the acquaintance read several
A. he had a distant cousin to help him
B. he found temporary housing
C. he could support his family
D. he spoke three languages
[单项选择]A Cuban diplomat was deported from the United States last weekend for______.
A. alleged espionage
B. greeting Fidel Castro
C. boarding a plane to Havana
D. bombing the embassy
[单项选择]The largest and smallest states of the United States are ______.
A. Alaska and Rhode Island
B. Texas and Maine
C. Texas and Rhode Island
D. Alaska and Maine
[单项选择]Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. The United States was mad at the Japanese so they made many Japanese-Americans leave their homes. They were put in camps with barbed wire around the outside of the camps.
Many Japanese-American young men were called into the army. Some of them joined the US Military Intelligence Service or MIS. The MIS was a secret group that fought the Japanese soldiers. This secret group translated important maps and papers. They questioned Japanese prisoners. Another task they did was to translate diaries written in Japanese.
Sometimes Japanese soldiers hid in caves to hide from the Americans. The MIS would try to get the scared soldiers to leave the caves. This was known as "cave flushing." Some of the soldiers would give up and leave the caves.
Other Japanese would jump to their deaths.
The MIS never got awards for their efforts until the year 2000. Then they were rewarded for their brave acts in World War II. It took almost sixty years for th
A. Pearl Harbor
B. The Winds of War
C. Uncommon Courage
D. The Greatest Generation


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