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发布时间:2024-02-24 18:44:07

[单项选择]Between getting up and her meeting, the woman had about
A. 6 hours.
B. 40 minutes.
C. 4 hours.
D. 30 minutes.

更多"Between getting up and her meeting,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Between getting up and her meeting, the woman had about_________.
A. 6 hours.
B. 40 minutes.
C. 4 hours.
D. 30 minutes.
[单项选择]A. The woman has trouble meeting her parents.
B. The woman seldom calls her parents because she hates them.
C. The man suggests the woman spend less on clothing.
D. The man offers to help her return her clothes.
[填空题]The woman had trouble getting her checks (cash) ______.
[填空题]During the meeting, hardly had he begun to speak ______(就被同事打断了).

[单项选择]Why doesn’t the woman want to give up her apartment entirely
A. She doesn’t have time to move.
B. She would have difficulty finding another apartment.
C. She’s paid her rent for the summer in advance
D. She doesn’t want to paint another apartment.
[单项选择]听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20题。Why did the woman give up her job
A. She wanted more free time.
B. It was far from what she wanted.
C. College life was much more interesting.
[填空题]Mary had made up her mind to go and what I said to her didn’t make any (different) ______.
[单项选择]Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up()
A. He would like to warm up for the game.
B. He didn’t want to be held up in traffic.
C. He didn’t want to miss the game.
D. He wanted to catch as many game birds as possible.
[简答题]her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork negligible.
[单项选择]How will the woman spend her holiday
A. She’ll stay at home.
B. She’ll visit some friends.
C. She will go on a trip.
Where did the woman have her dinner
[单项选择]When can the woman get her photos
A. Early in the morning.
B. At lunch time.
C. In the evenin
[单项选择]When could the woman use her car
A. At 5:00.
B. At 5:30.
C. At 5: 15.
[单项选择]Where can the woman buy her ticket
A. At the boarding gate
B. On the bus
C. In Prague
D. At Betty’s
[单项选择]Where did the woman leave her glasses
[单项选择]How did the woman get her suit
A. She made it herself.
B. She had a tailor make it.
C. She bought it a long time ago.
D. She had an old one re-made.


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