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发布时间:2023-11-11 19:28:06

[单项选择]It wasn’t very()of you to drink all the milk when you know I need some for the baby!
A. considerate
B. thoughtless
C. careful
D. deliberate

更多"It wasn’t very()of you to drink all"的相关试题:

[简答题]I am very fragile. When you say my name, you break me. What’s my name
[单项选择]You were not ()very hard when I saw you in the library yesterday
A. studied 
B. study
C. studying 
D. studies
[单项选择]When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left, not on the right. So before you cross a street, you must look to the right and then left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or finish work, the streets are the busiest. Traffic is the most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you also have to take care. Always remember the traffic is different from that in China. It moves on the left. Have a look first, or you may go the wrong way and have an accident.
In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting and enjoyable.

You needn’t look to the right and left in England.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’ t say.

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state clearly what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with details.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summery.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择]Passage 3
When you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category: when I’m grown up. When I’m grown up, you say, I’ll go up in space. I’m going to be an author. I’ll kill them all and then they’ll be sorry. I’ll be married in a cathedral with sixteen brides- maids in pink lace. I’ll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away.
None of it ever happens, of course, of dam little but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed one of the saddest things about gild-ed adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it’s all downhill; I read with horror of an American hippie wedding where someone said to the groom (age twenty) ’you seem so kinda grown up somehow’, and the lad had to go around seeking reassurance that he wasn’t, no, early he wasn’t. A determination to be better adults
A. have so many unselfish ambitions
B. have such long term ambitions
C. don’t all want to be spacemen
D. all long for adult pleasures
[单项选择]Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may get ______ by a car.
A. run out
B. run over
C. run away
D. run after

When you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category: when I’ m grown up. When I’ m grown up, you say, I’ ll go up in space. I’ m going to be an author. I’ ll kill them all and then they’ ll be sorry. I’ ll be married in a cathedral with sixteen bridesmaids in pink lace. I’ ll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away.
None of it ever happens, of course--or darn little, but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed one of the saddest things about gilded adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it’ s all downhill; I read with horror of an American hip pie wedding where someone said to the groom( aged twenty) "you seem so kind a grown up somehow", and the lad had to go round seeking assurance that he wasn’ t. No, really he wasn’t. A determination to be better adults than the present incumbents is fine, but to refuse to gro
A. best time of life
B. right age to get married
C. hardest part of life
D. gateway to happiness


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