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发布时间:2024-05-31 18:49:46

[单项选择]Passage Three
Back in Seattle, around the comer from the Discovery Institute, Stephen Meyer offers some peer-reviewed evidence that there truly is a controversy that must be taught. "The Darwinists are bluffing," he says over a plate of oysters at a downtown seafood restaurant. "They have the science of the steam engine era, and it’s not keeping up with the biology of the information age."
Meyer hands me a recent issue of Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews with an article by Carl Woese, an eminent microbiologist at the University of Illinois. In it, Woese decries the failure of reductionist biology—the tendency to look at systems as merely the stun of their parts—to keep up with the developments of molecular biology. Meyer says the conclusion of Woese’s argument is that the Darwinian emperor has no clothes.
It’s a page out of th
A. the evidence for their theories is peer-reviewed
B. they were born in the age of steam engine
C. their theories are already out of date
D. they can not catch up with the information tecbnology

更多"Passage Three Back in Sea"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three
Back in Seattle, around the comer from the Discovery Institute, Stephen Meyer offers some peer-reviewed evidence that there truly is a controversy that must be taught. "The Darwinists are bluffing," he says over a plate of oysters at a downtown seafood restaurant. "They have the science of the steam engine era, and it’s not keeping up with the biology of the information age."
Meyer hands me a recent issue of Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews with an article by Carl Woese, an eminent microbiologist at the University of Illinois. In it, Woese decries the failure of reductionist biology—the tendency to look at systems as merely the stun of their parts—to keep up with the developments of molecular biology. Meyer says the conclusion of Woese’s argument is that the Darwinian emperor has no clothes.
It’s a page out of th
A. His criticism of Darwinists should not be understood as the denial of it
B. Clothes themselves are not what evolutionists are interested in
C. Einstein is right when he is criticizing Newtonian physics
D. Einsteinian physics is an improvement on Newtonian physics
[填空题]Sometime around the 15th century coffee spread throughout _______________.

What’s the especially big issue that holds back the Internet A. The quality of being easy to use. B. For most of us, broadband access is years in the future. C. To maximize the Internet’s sufficiency.

Passage Three

I can think of no better career for a young novelist than to for some years a sub-editor on a rather conservative newspaper. The man who was of chief importance to me in those days was the chief sub-editor, George Anderson. I hated him in my first week, but I grew almost to love him before three years had passed. A small elderly Scotsman with a flushed face and laconic humour, he drove a new sub-editor hard with his sarcasm. Sometimes I almost fancied myself back at school again, and I was always glad when five-thirty came, for immediately the clock marked the hour when the pubs opened, he would take his bowler hat from the coat-rack and disappear for thirty minutes to his favourite bar. His place would be taken by the gentle and courteous Colonel Maude. Maude was careful to see that the new recruit was given no story w
A. stand over them while they worked and make unpleasant remarks
B. go out for a drink and let them solve their own problems
C. provoke them into disliking him
D. use bitter humour to draw their attention to their mistakes
[单项选择]How to approach Listening Test Part Three · In this part of the Listening Test you listen to a long conversation or interview and answer eight questions. · Before you listen, read the questions. Think what the recording will be about. · Note all possible answers as you listen for the first time. Do not make an immediate decision. Do not worry if you do not know the answers. You will hear the recording a second time. · Listen for overall meaning. Do not choose an answer just because you hear the same words in the recording as in the question. · Decide on your final answer only after you have listened for the second time. · You will hear a discussion between Clive, the owner of a bicycle accessories business, and Rose, a business advisor. · For each question 23 - 30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer · You will hear the recording twice.In the medium term, Clive says his main aim is to A. increase his number of multiple retailer stockists. B. improve h


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