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发布时间:2024-01-09 21:59:19

[简答题]Rich Pte Ltd has gone into insolvent liquidation. The company has a factory in Singapore. Beng owns 10,000 ordinary shares in Rich Pte Ltd, which are paid up to 50%. The company owes; (i) $130,000 in unpaid wages to employees, (ii) $200,000 in respect of goods bought on credit, (iii) $1 million to a bank supported by a fixed charge over the land on which the factory is built. Required: (a) Explain what funds are available for distribution by the liquidator; and (3 marks)

更多"Rich Pte Ltd has gone into insolven"的相关试题:

[简答题]Rich Pte Ltd has gone into insolvent liquidation. The company has a factory in Singapore. Beng owns 10,000 ordinary shares in Rich Pte Ltd, which are paid up to 50%. The company owes; (i) $130,000 in unpaid wages to employees, (ii) $200,000 in respect of goods bought on credit, (iii) $1 million to a bank supported by a fixed charge over the land on which the factory is built. Required: (b) Explain the order of priority for payment of the debts owed by Rich Pte Ltd. (7 marks)
[简答题]Cuppycakes Pte Ltd (Cuppycakes) is a confectionary business. In January 2009, the board of directors took a loan from Future Bank to set up a new retail outlet in Jurong. To secure the loan, Future Bank took a fl oating charge over the undertaking of Cuppycakes. Cuppycakes is now in the process of winding up. The main claims against Cuppycakes are: (i) a S1·5 million mortgage by Present Bank over Cuppycakes’ factory in Bedok; (ii) $80,000 in respect of a debt due to a supplier; (iii) $100,000 unpaid taxes owing to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore; and (iv) Future Bank’s fl oating charge. Future Bank has realised that the fl oating charge over the undertaking of Cuppycakes was never registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulation Authority. Required: (a) Discuss whether Future Bank’s fl oating charge is enforceable. (5 marks) (b) Explain the order of priority of payment in respect of the above claims in Cuppycakes’ winding up. (5 marks)
[简答题]Andy was the managing director of Alpha Pte Ltd (‘Alpha’), a computer technology company. Andy was tasked by Alpha to actively pursue and negotiate a contract with Beta Pte Ltd (‘Beta’) to develop a revolutionary internal audit software. However, Beta was not keen to enter into the joint venture with Alpha and preferred to work with Andy instead. Andy resigned from his post with Alpha and personally entered into the contract with Beta. When the internal audit software was developed and became a huge commercial success, Andy made a large profit. Required: Discuss whether Andy has breached any duty as a director of Alpha when he entered into the contract with Beta, and the consequences of such a breach. (10 marks)
[简答题]Flametree Pte Ltd, a company producing local movies, entered into a contract with actress, Suzi Wong. Under the terms of the contract, Suzi Wong agreed to play the lead female role and Flametree Pte Ltd agreed to pay her $150,000, with payments being made in weekly instalments over five weeks of filming. Filming began on 1 November 2007 but within a week, Suzi Wong’s contract was terminated and a younger actress was found to replace her. Suzi Wong now wishes either to get back her job as the lead actress or alternatively, to claim $30,000 for the work already done. Required: Advise Suzi Wong as to her remedies. (10 marks)
[简答题]Initial Pte Ltd was set up 10 years ago by a group of friends during the dot com boom. The company has been rather inactive in the last two years and the shareholders have lost interest in the business. Cheong, who owns 20% of the shares in Initial Pte Ltd, wants to liquidate the company. Required: Advise Cheong how and when he can take steps to liquidate the company. (10 marks)
[简答题]Mega Pte Ltd (Mega) was engaged in the business of real property investment. Alan and Bob incorporated Mega in 1980, with Alan holding 60% of the shares and Bob holding 40% of the shares in Mega. Alan and Bob were directors of the company. Prior to Mega’s incorporation, Alan and Bob were operating the same business as a partnership. Although Alan held more shares than Bob in Mega, Alan always consulted with Bob and decisions of the company were always made by consensus of both directors. Some years later, Alan and Bob died, within months of each other. After Alan and Bob died, their shares were passed on to their children. Alan’s two sons, Don and Elliot, each held 30% of the shares in Mega and both became directors of Mega. Bob’s son, Charles, held 40% of the shares in Mega and was a director of Mega. The board of Mega was split into two rival camps, with Don and Elliot on one side, and Charles on the other side. Charles has told you the following: 1. Don and Elliot had diverted inv
[简答题]The articles of association of Pelican Pte Ltd (Pelican) provide as follows: Article 5: The holders of Class A shares shall be entitled to receive 5% per annum cumulative dividend. Article 6: The rights attached to Class A shares may be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of 80% of Class A shares. Joe, the Chief Executive Officer of Pelican, wishes to reduce the dividend payable to Class A shareholders from 5% to 4%. He is afraid the company will not be able to obtain the written consent of 80% of Class A shareholders as required by article 6. As such, Joe wishes to get Pelican to amend article 6 such that the level of consent required from Class A shareholders is reduced from 80% to 75%. After article 6 has been amended, the company will then proceed to amend article 5 to reduce the dividend from 5% to 4%. Required: Advise Pelican on the procedure to first amend article 6 and to then amend article 5. (10 marks)
[简答题]The Lim family incorporated Good Build Pte Ltd (‘Good Build’) as the vehicle for their renovation business. For many years, the business of Good Build was conducted with Mr and Mrs Lim and their son, Luke, as directors. Mr Lim died last year. Mrs Lim became managing director of Good Build because she had promised her husband she would take over his position as managing director. However, Mrs Lim was a shadow of her former self after her husband’s death and she lost interest in running Good Build. She signed whatever cheques and documents Luke asked her to sign and went along with all of Luke’s decisions. Luke, who was under pressure to settle his debts, subsequently perpetrated a fraud on Good Build. Good Build was wound up as an insolvent company and the liquidator wished to bring a civil action against Mrs Lim. Required: Discuss whether Mrs Lim has breached any duty as managing director of Good Build. (10 marks)
[简答题]Dan is the managing director of Ace Pte Ltd. He entered into a contract on behalf of the company to buy a shophouse in a prime location in the city centre for a rather high price of $4 m. The other directors were not happy with Dan’s action because the price was too high and they felt it was not a good time to buy property. In addition, Article 58 of the articles of association of the company, states: ‘The managing director shall have authority to enter into, on behalf of the company, agreements for the purchase of property provided that the purchase price per agreement shall not exceed $500,000. Where the purchase price of a proposed agreement exceeds $500,000, the prior approval of the board of directors is required.’ Required: Advise whether Ace Pte Ltd is bound by the purchase agreement. (10 marks)
[简答题]Carol worked for Win Pte Ltd (‘Win’) for 20 years. She was personal assistant to Jack, the chief executive officer and chairman of Win. Over the years, Jack rewarded her with small numbers of shares in Win. To date, Carol owns 2% of the shares in Win. Jack recently hired Jill as the company’s information technology (IT) manager. Jill could not get along with Carol. Jack took Jill’s side and asked Carol to resign from the company. Carol knew that Jack had made some mistakes in the past. First, he hastily purchased a new IT system without evaluating what other systems there were in the market and the new IT system turned out to be an expensive failed experiment. Second, he did not attempt to recover a substantial amount of debts owed by Win’s customers. After Carol resigned, she wrote a letter to the board of directors of Win to ask them to sue Jack to recover the losses he caused Win to incur. The board of directors ignored her letter. Required: In relation to the law on minority prot
[简答题]Greenacres (Pty) Ltd has three shareholders: Henry, Irma and John. Irma and John are married. All three shareholders are also directors of the company. John recently discovered that Henry and Irma are having an affair. John now refuses to fulfi l his required directorial obligations, such as attending board meetings and signing cheques on behalf of the company. It has become increasingly obvious that it is no longer possible for the company to function appropriately or to conduct any business. Required: Advise the parties, and discuss the circumstances in which a court may wind-up a company on the grounds that it is ‘just and equitable’ to do so. (10 marks)
[简答题]Computer Ltd has been solely managed by Michael, who is the managing director of the company. Ever since the incorporation of Computer Ltd, Computer Ltd has received the financial support from Fashion Ltd, its holding company whenever Computer Ltd is in financial crisis. Several months ago, Computer Ltd was insolvent. Upon the representation from Michael about the financial support from Fashion Ltd to Computer Ltd, Bank Ltd loaned to Computer Ltd the sum of HK$5 million without security. Computer Ltd is now being wound up by its creditors. By reason of a sudden change in the structure of Fashion Ltd two months ago, Fashion Ltd has refused to give further financial support to Computer Ltd. Required: In relation to company law, advise Bank Ltd as to whether Michael is liable for fraudulent trading under section 275(1) of Companies Ordinance (Cap 32). (10 marks)
[填空题]Information has gone from scarce to superabundant. That brings huge new (36) , but also big headaches.
The world contains an unimaginably vast amount of (37) information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly. This makes it possible to do many things that (38) could not be done: (39) business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on. Managed well, the data can be used to (40) new sources of economic value, provide fresh (41) into science and hold governments to account.
But they are also (42) a host of new problems. Despite the abundance of tools to capture, process and share all this information--sensors, computers, mobile phones and the like--it already exceeds the (43) storage space. Moreover, (44) . The effect is being felt everywhere, from business to science, from government to the arts. Scientists and computer engineers have coined a new term for the
[单项选择]Nowadays, something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of 62 A key ingredient is being 63 , and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn’t hard to 64 . It means that every person is responsible 65 his or her actions and 66 for their consequences. Of the many values that hold civilization 67 —honesty, kindness, generosity, decency— accountability may be the most important of all, 68 it, there can be no respect, no trust, no law— and 69 , no society.
My job 70 a police officer is to impose accountability 71 people who refuse, or have never learned. But as every cop knows, external controls on people’s 72 are far less effective than 73 restrains such as guilt, shame and embarrassment. Yet more and more, especially in our large cities and suburbs, these inner restraints are
A. at
B. in
C. with
D. from


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