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发布时间:2023-10-19 14:23:21

[单项选择]I’m afraid that there isn’t_________ for you in my car.
A. place
B. seat
C. corner
D. room

更多"I’m afraid that there isn’t________"的相关试题:

[填空题]I’m afraid Mr. White isn’t available at the moment. Can I()

M: I hope you can understand my reasons for deciding to leave, Mrs. Wilson.
W: Do I have to remind you that we have invested a lot of time and money in your career here

How did Mrs. Wilson respond()
A. She was understanding.
B. She was apologetic.
C. She was annoyed.
D. She was careless.

M: Do you know where I can have my clothes cleaned
W: Why not wash them yourself There’s a laundry On Third Street.

What does the woman mean()
A. She can’t understand why the man is thirsty.
B. The man ought not to go to the laundry.
C. The laundry is too far away.

M: Jane, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Ellen.
W: Glad to meet you, Ellen. Bob tells me that you are interested in African art too. In fact, he says that you plan to spend the summer in Zimbabwe.

What do the girls have in common()
A. Both of them are going to Zimbabwe.
B. They are both from Africa.
C. They are of the same age.
D. They are interested in African art.

W: Have you seen my glasses
M: No, where did you leave them
W: Right here by the telephone.
M: Are you sure
W: Yes, I’m sure! I saw them here five minutes ago.
M: Maybe you left them in the living room.
W: No, I put them here by the telephone.
M: Well, they are not there now.
W: Maybe someone took them. I know I left them here.

What is the woman looking for ( )
A. Glasses.
B. Telephone.
C. Grass.
[单项选择]The reason( )I'm writing is to tell you about my exam results.
A. because 
B. as 
C. why 
D. for
[填空题]I’m sorry not to be able to help you.
I’m sorry that ______ ______ ______ ______.


W: What did you do on the beach
M: You know, I made sand castles, that sort of things, and hunted for shells.

What are the two speakers probably talking about( ).
A. Play activities.
B. Building castles.
C. The beach.

M: Maria, I want you to have all my laundry ready by the time I get home.
W: You must be kidding!
Question: What does the woman mean( )

A. She doesn’t understand the man’s request.
B. She thanks the man for his kindness.
C. She must get the laundry ready.
D. She will not have the man’s laundry ready.
[单项选择]I' ve given you my advice, whether or not you act on it is up to you.( )
A. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否采纳建议,要看它对你的作用了。
B. 我已经把我的意见告诉你了,至于你是否照这样做,那就看你的了。
C. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否按建议去做,是你的责任。
D. 我的建议是:你自己决定是否去做那件事。

M: What do you think of my new painting I’ve just finished it.
W: Well, the colors are a little strange, don’t you think
M: Ah, yes. That’s the point. It’s called Colors.
W: Oh, yes, I see. Well, it’s not quite my cup of tea — but then we all have different tastes, don’t we

What are the two speakers talking about( ).
A. Strange colors.
B. Different tastes of tea.
C. Fashion.
D. A painting.

M: Have you seen my school bag, Mom I’ve been looking for it everywhere.
W: I hope you didn’t leave it in school. You never know where you put your things. Where did you last see it
M: Last night before I went to bed, I think. I remember putting it on the desk
W: Really If you put it there, it should still be there. No one has been to your room. So it must be here somewhere.
M: Yes, but where That’s what I want to know. Oh, dear, it’s about the time for the school bus.
W: Hey, what’s that under your blanket at the foot of your bed

What is the relationship between the two speakers ( )
A. They are brother and sister.
B. They are mother and son.
C. They are husband and wife
[单项选择]If I care about you, I'm concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become.()
A. ...you will become what you want to be.
B. ...you will eventually become a gifted person.
C. ...you will develop all your abilities to the full.
D. ...you will be capable of doing all sorts of jobs.

M: Miss, this is my first flight. I wonder if you could show me the ropes
F: I’d be glad to. That’s what we are here for. How are you doing now
M: Fine so far, but my ears feel a little funny.
F: That’s the air pressure. You’ll get used to it in a little while.
M: Will there be a movie
F: Yes, but not until after we have served breakfast.
M: Will that be soon
F: Yes, right away. You must be hungry.
M: Not very, but I would like a drink, please.
F: I’ll bring you one. A coke, beer, juice ...
M: Just water, please. Thanks for your help.
F: It’s my pleasure.

The man felt funny about his ear. What did the woman explain to him( ).
A. It’s the air pressure.
B. His ears have some problem.
C. He is hungry.


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