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发布时间:2023-10-05 16:52:17

[单项选择]He () his head, wondering how to solve the problem.
A. scrapped
B. screwed
C. scraped
D. scratched

更多"He () his head, wondering how to so"的相关试题:

[填空题]His account of how he rescued the eat from the bottom of the well was(dramatically) _______.
[填空题]He tried to solve the problem but he (quick) ______ gave up.
[单项选择]He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and ______ it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for OK when they were pleased.
A. jerked
B. twisted
C. shrugged
D. tugged
[填空题]How did he spend his spare time
He spent all his spare time().
[单项选择]He showed how stubborn he was by doing it in his own way and refusing to listen to advice()
A. 他通过自行其事来显示他是多么顽固不化,并且他还拒绝听取别人的忠告。
B. 他拒绝听取别人的劝告,只照自己的方式去做这件事,表现得很顽固。
C. 他拒绝别人的忠告,并以自己的方式行事,以此来显示他的顽固。
D. 他按自己的方式来做这件事,以此来表现自己的顽固和拒听忠告。

How did Mark describe his still life paintings he is working on
[单项选择]He kept his head at that critical moment; otherwise the accident ______.
A. would happen
B. happened
C. would have been happened D. would have happened
[单项选择]John promised his doctor he( )not smoke,and he has not smoked ever since.
A. might
B. should
C. could
D. would
[单项选择]During his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune( ),
A. control
B. spend
C. collect
D. exchange
[填空题]What was the man telling his friend He was telling his friend ______ of his contented marriage.
[填空题]Where did Mr. Finch buy his cottage
He bought a small cottage in ______.

A child may lean against a doorpost with his or her arms folded. To the onlooker, it may look like a benign posture—however, there may be a victimized child who understands that this is the bully’s "shorthand" code of conveying the message: "Hand me your lunch as you walk by me, or else."
Bullying may be expressed in many forms. Boys are generally targeted more than girls. Boys tend to use physical aggression when they bully .by hitting, kicking, and fighting. Girls, on the other hand, more often use exclusionary techniques to bully—a form of aggression often referred to as relational aggression. Girls often start rumors, form cliques to keep certain people out, and ignore other children in attempts to show dominance over another child.
Many children who are victimized fit into one of two types: the passive victim, and the provocative victim. While people often feel bad about passive victims, provocative victims often e
A. to introduce the topic of school bullying
B. to present a clear definition for school bullying
C. to criticize those students who bully others
D. to show how prevalent school bullying is


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