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发布时间:2024-02-19 18:27:24

[单项选择]The old lady has developed a () cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A. perpetual
B. permanent
C. chronic
D. sustained

更多"The old lady has developed a () cou"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The old lady has developed a ()cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A. perpetual
B. permanent
C. chronic
D. sustained
[单项选择]The word "lady" has ______of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.
A. abdomen
B. connotations
C. sashes
D. syndicates
[单项选择]There are means by which the constitution has been______over so long a time to the needs of a changing society.
A. altered B. changed C. adapted D. revised
[单项选择] Which train has now been cancelled
A. The train to Jinan.
B. The train to Zhengzhou.
C. The train to Tianjin.
D. The train to Hangzhou.
[单项选择]Former First Lady Betty Ford has once again performed an enormous public service by focusing the nation’s attention on a major medical problem-the accidental addiction to prescribed medications and the perilous consequences of combining drugs and alcohol. Mrs. Ford’s courageous admission of her own dependence on Valium and alcohol has created a public awareness which will affect the lives of millions.
It is estimated that one in every five women may be accidentally addicted to her medications. Legally prescribed drugs, taken in dangerous combinations or with alcohol, are causing greater physical damage and death than any of the illegal drugs generally associated with drug abuse.
Prescription drugs have now become the mainstay of medical care. A staggering number of medications have been developed to treat pains and discomforts of every kind and almost without exception they all affect the brain to some degree. Depending on the user’s physical or emotional state, metabolism, h
[单项选择]With her talents and confidence, this lady has won the reputation as a novelist since the early 1990s()
A. 这位女士才华横溢且自信有加,早在20世纪90年代就已经美名远扬。
B. 凭借其才华和自信。这位女士的小说从29世纪90年代初起就声名远播。
C. 凭借其才华和自信,这位女士自20世纪90年代初就赢得了小说家的美名。
D. 早在20世纪90年代,这位才华和信心兼具的女土就已经在小说家中脱颖而出,屡屡获奖。
[判断题]A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission,known as “port clearance”,is granted by the local authorities.( )
[填空题]Which country has the largest online population

[单项选择]Which of the following has a problem
A. computer
B. ink
C. printer
[单项选择]Which department has a vacancy at the moment
A. Personnel
B. Sales
C. Production
[单项选择]Which intervention has the highest priority when providing skin care to a bedridden client
A. Changing the bed linens frequently for an incontinent client.
B. Keeping the skin clean and dry without using harsh soaps.
C. Gently massaging the skin around the pressure areas.
D. Rubbing moisturizing lotion over the pressure areas.
[单项选择]Which story has no particular point( )
A. The humorous story.
B. The witty story.
C. The comic story.
D. All three.
[单项选择] How old is "old" The answer has changed over the years. Two hundred years ago, you were old at 35. That was the average life expectancy then. At the turn of the 19th century, as medical knowledge advanced, the average life expectancy increased to 45. In 1950, 70-year olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is looking forward to many more active years. So, how old is old The answer is one you’’ve heard many times, from all sorts of people. "You are as old (or young) as you feel." The calendar simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well you’’ve lived. "Youth", wrote an unknown author, "is not a time of life--it is a state of mind. Nobody grows old by living a number of years; people grow old by deserting (抛弃) their ideals." Old is a point of view. Alice Brophy, when she was with the New York City Commission for the Aging, said, "It annoys me when people say, ’’Gee, you look young for your age. ’’ What does that mean Is the
A. is curious about how old exactly is "old" for every people
B. is doubtful on any division made between "old" and "young"
C. is for the opinion that age and health are closely connected
D. is against the idea that age is connected with the state of mind


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