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发布时间:2024-07-24 19:35:48


It used to be that people were proud to work for the same company for the whole of their working lives. They’d get a gold watch at the end of their productive years and a dinner featuring speeches by their bosses praising their loyalty. But today’s rich capitalists have regressed (倒退) to the "survival of the fittest" ideas and their loyalty extends not to their workers or even to their stockholders but only to themselves. Instead of giving out gold watches worth a hundred or so dollars for forty or so years of work, they grab tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars as they sell for their own profit the company they may have been with for only a few years. The new rich selfishly act on their own to unfairly grab the wealth that the country as a whole has produced. The top 1 percent of the population now has wealth equal to the whole bottom 95 percent and they want more. Their selfishness is most shamelessly expressed in downsizing and outsourcing (将产品包给
A. job security
B. bosses’’ praise
C. corporate loyalty
D. retirement benefits

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It used to be that people were proud to work for the same company for the whole of their working lives. They’d get a gold watch at the end of their productive years and a dinner featuring speeches by their bosses praising their loyalty. But today’s rich capitalists have regressed (倒退) to the "survival of the fittest" ideas and their loyalty extends not to their workers or even to their stockholders but only to themselves. Instead of giving out gold watches worth a hundred or so dollars for forty or so years of work, they grab tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars as they sell for their own profit the company they may have been with for only a few years. The new rich selfishly act on their own to unfairly grab the wealth that the country as a whole has produced. The top 1 percent of the population now has wealth equal to the whole bottom 95 percent and they want more. Their selfishness is most shamelessly expressed in downsizing and outsourcing (将产品包给
A. not giving necessary assistance to laid-off workers
B. maximizing their profits at the expense of workers
C. not setting up long-term goals for their companies
D. rewarding only those who are considered the fittest

[判断题]American people were proud and optimistic because they felt they had saved the world and now were helping to rebuild Europe and Japan.
[单项选择]They were surprised that a child should work out the problem ______ they themselves couldn't()
A. once
B. then
C. while
D. if
[填空题]Most people feel proud of the development of the economy of the city, ____________________ (尽管有人担心其发展会失控).

[填空题]They were desperate for work, any work, which would help them to__________________(维持一家人的生活).

[填空题]Helicopters were first used for military services in ______.
[单项选择]Two substitutes were used during the basketball games.
A. players
B. centers
C. referees
D. replacements
[单项选择]A project management team has subcontracted work to a service company. Which of the following tools is the best choice to assure that this company will be able to meet the quality requirements of the project
A. Quality audit.
B. Deliverable inspection.
C. Fixed price contract.
D. Service level agreement.
[单项选择]In previous generations, young people were under their parents’ control ; now the teenage children of the West’s richest generation were ready for something to get excited about. The Beatles simply put a spark to a fuse(导火线) that was waiting to be lit.
Everything changed, and what changed for the Beatles was their lives and their working habits, in the midst of the hysterical(歇斯底里的) following the band attracted. Because of the demand of the fans to see them perform, they played bigger and bigger venues (meeting-places) , especially in America. They played pop music’s first "stadium" concert—to 60,000 people in Shea Stadium.
But John, Paul, George and Ringo became increasingly unhappy that, because of the screaming of their fans, neither the band nor the audience could hear the music. Creatively frustrated and tired of the pressures of life under siege(围攻) from their fans, they retired from playing concerts in 1966 and decided to concentrate on recording.
It was
A. It was fine example of music for simple sing-along songs.
B. Its appeal was not limited to any particular time or group of people.
C. It was simple in form but rich in meaning.
D. It reached a height which other pop music groups had never reached for their lyrics and melodies.


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