发布时间:2024-05-25 06:01:49

[名词解释]Split tolerance

更多"Split tolerance"的相关试题:

[名词解释]Peripheral tolerance
[名词解释]Immune tolerance
[名词解释]Low zone tolerance and high zone tolerance
[单项选择]What will happen when patients acquire a tolerance for a certain drug()
A. They will have to take ever larger closes.
B. They will become physically impaired.
C. They will suffer from minor discomfort.
D. They will experience a very painful process.
[填空题]Another part of global vision is the tolerance to ______.

[单项选择]A client has just finished his glucose tolerance test. How many hours should it take for his blood glucose level to return to normal
A. 2 hours.
B. 3 hours.
C. 5 hours.
D. 6 hours.
[简答题]断裂基因(split gene)
[简答题]The tolerance they are talking about does not in fact exist but is invented as a justification for present intolerance.
[单项选择] In the name of "zero tolerance," our schools are treating innocent children like criminals. "Zero Tolerance" In High Schools On a chilly December morning in Houston, Eddie Evans’’s 12-year-old son hurried out the door in shirt sleeves on his way to the bus stop. Feeling the cold, he ducked back into his house to quickly grab a jacket. It wasn’’t until he’’d gotten inside the school building that he remembered his three-inch pocketknife was still in his coat. Why would a sixth-grader carry a knife Because he was a Boy Scout and he’’d brought it to his last Scout meeting. After asking a friend what he should do, the boy decided to keep quiet and hide the knife in his locker until the end of the day. But his friend mentioned the knife to a teacher, and school officials called the police. That afternoon, cops arrested the Evans child and took him to a juvenile detention center. "From that point on, my family’’s life was flipped on its head," the boy’’s father says.
A. he went home to grab his jacket without the permission from the school
B. he was not being honest and hid secrets from his teachers
C. he tried to hurt his classmates with the knife
D. he broke the school regulation by bringing a knife to school
[单项选择]The phrase "split up" in the second paragraph means"______".
A. break apart
B. cause to break
C. become pieces
D. go indifferent directions
[填空题]It is no use (cry)()for split milk.
[单项选择](It was) the (split of) eleven southern (states) from the Union in 1861 that (leading) to the Civil War in the United States.
A. It was
B. split of
C. states
D. leading
[单项选择]It is no use______over the split milk.
A. to cry
B. crying
C. cry
D. cried
[单项选择]在RIP协议中,可以采用水平分割法(Split Horizon)解决路由环路问题,下面的说法中正确的是()
A. 把网络分割成不同的区域以减少路由循环
B. 不要把从一个邻居学习到的路由再发送回该邻居
C. 设置邻居之间的路由度量为无限大
D. 路由器必须把整个路由表发送给自己的邻居


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