The other day a British businessman, recently having visited Japan, recounted the words of a leading Japanese ship-owner. "Our ships" said this individual with a sigh, "are going fully loaded to Europe and America but these days coming back empty."
Of course, this oversimplifies, but the message is clear—and for the Europeans it is especially chilling. The Asian world (including notably a reviving Japan, and to a rapidly increasing extent, China, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia) is supplying more and more of Europe’s and America’s needs, but the West is not reciprocating. The old and cozy image of trade being a two-way beneficial flow between East and West is fading fast.
There used to be a sort of superior view that the West, and Europe in particular, would do all the thinking, innovating and designing, and the East with its cheap labor would churn out the more basic items. In due course, the cheap labor would become
A. his goods is not in good sales at that time.
B. the West is not reciprocating.
C. Japan is in bad condition with America.
D. he can only de basic items for America.
Conventional wisdom has it that concern for the
environment is a luxury only the rich world can afford; that only people whose
basic needs for food and shelter have been met can start worrying about the
health of the planet. This survey will argue that developing countries, too,
should be thinking about the environment. True, in the rich countries a strong
environmental movement did not emerge until long after they had become
industrialized, a stage that many developing countries have yet to reach. And
true, many of the developed world’s environmental concerns have little to do
with immediate threats to its inhabitants’ well-being. People worry about
whether carbon-dioxide emissions might lead to a warmer climate next century, or
whether genetically engineered crops might have unforeseen consequences for the
ecosystem. That is why, w A. immediate climate change B. immediate economic damage C. more forests fires D. higher death rate [单选题]初产妇临产后4小时胎头仍未入盆,此时测量骨盆哪条径线最有价值
A.对角径 B.骶耻外径 C.髂棘间径 D.坐骨棘间径 E.坐骨结节间径 [多选题]机具的各种监测仪表以及( )等安全装置应完好。
A.制动器 B.限位器 C.安全阀 D.闭锁机构 [单项选择]下列关于国际税收的表述中,不正确的是( )。
A. 国际税收是指两个或两个以上国家政府,因行使各自的征税权力,在对跨国纳税人进行分别课税而形成的征纳关系中所发生的国家之间的税收分配关系 B. 国际税收是一种独立的税种 C. 国际税收不能离开跨国纳税人这一因素 D. 任何税收活动,只要涉及国家之间的财政利益分配,均属于国际税收的研究范围 [多选题]影响WIFI覆盖质量的典型原因有挪些()
A.信号穿墙 B.金属阻挡 C.空间损耗 D.信道干扰 [单选题]除非公司章程另有约定,有限责任公司股权的外部转让需要征得( )同意。
A.全体董事会 B.董事会过半数 C.其他股东过半数 D.全体股东 [单选题]在反洗钱调查中,金融机构不承担下列哪项义务:()
A.配合调查义务 B.如实提供信息义务 C.提供调查经费的义务 D.不得拒绝和阻碍义务 [单选题]在带轮装配过程中,要保证两带轮相互位置的正确性,否则,由于两带轮错位或倾斜而引起皮带张紧力不均,导致皮带( )。
A.断裂 B.磨损 C.老化 D.打滑 [单项选择]孙思邈不仅认真学习,而且在碰到疑难病无法治疗时,也从不畏缩,而是勤于思考,深入研究,尽力找出治疗的办法。有一次,一个病人得了尿闭症(尿潴留)不能小便,急忙找来孙思邈治疗。孙思邈看他的小肚子涨得那么厉害,心想,吃药怕来不及了,便想找一根管子插进尿道试验。想到葱管又空而且又软又细,不妨用它来试试,便要了一根细葱,在葱叶的一头切去少许,细心地慢慢地插进了病人的尿道,再用劲一吹,不一会儿,尿果然沿着葱管流了出来,病人胀大的小肚子慢慢地瘪了下去,病人尿闭症的痛苦顿时消失。孙思邈是最早使用导尿术治疗尿潴留的人。这体现了孙思邈哪方面的医德品格()
A. 赤诚济世 B. 勇于创新 C. 淡泊名利 D. 舍己救人 E. 不怕艰苦 [单选题]基础设施建设贷款期限一般不超过()。
A.三年 B.五年 C.八年 D.十年 [多项选择]患者男性,42岁,因足底刺伤后出现全身肌肉强直性收缩,阵发性痉挛,诊断为破伤风。下列护理措施与控制痉挛有关的是()。
A. 保持病室安静 B. 护理措施要集中进行 C. 按时使用镇静剂 D. 鼻饲流质饮食 E. 避免强光照射 [填空题]I felt ______ (如释重负) when I heard that she survived the earthquake.
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