{{B}}第四组:{{/B}} 患者,男性,50岁,进行性黄疸1个半月。诊断为胰头癌,行胰十二指肠切除术。术后第5天突然全腹剧痛,腹腔穿刺抽出含胆汁的液体少许。 |
A国居民有来源于B国经营所得100万元,特许权使用费所得50万元;来源于 C国经营所得200万元,特许权使用费所得60万元。A、B、C三国经营所得的所得税税率分别为50%、40%、60%;A、B、C三国特许权使用所得的所得税税率分别为10%、20%、5%。请回答以下问题: |
He is a rare celebrity scientist. He’s
even had a TV cameo role (小角色) in Star Trek in which he plays poker with
scientific icons (偶像)Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Yet when asked about
comparisons between himself and the two scientists, he calls it all "media hype
(炒作)." Once asked how he felt about being labeled the world’s smartest person,
he responded: "It is very embarrassing. It is rubbish, just media hype. They
just want a hero, and I fill the role model of a disabled genius. At least I am
disabled, but I am no genius. " Hawking has ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neuromuscular disease that progressively weakens muscle control. He gets around in a wheelchair, and after completely losing the use of his vocal chords in an operation to assist his breathing in 1985, he communicates through a computer. A speech synthesiz A. He is too weak to speak. B. He is a computer addict. C. An operation to help his breathing made him unable to pronounce. D. His illness makes him unable to speak. [判断题]生产经营单位应当制定本单位的应急预案演练计划,根据本单位的事故预防重点,每半年至少组织一次综合应急预案演练或者专项应急预案演练。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列选项中适用于平均成本利润率为5%的应税消费品有( )。
A. 粮食白酒 B. 摩托车 C. 酒精 D. 小轿车 [单项选择]以下烹饪原料中属于植物性原料的是()
A. 胡萝卜 B. 牛肉 C. 鸡蛋 D. 家禽内脏 [单项选择]48,2,4,6,54,(),3,9
A. 6 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3 我来回答: 提交