发布时间:2024-07-26 18:29:34

[单项选择]I cannot()your plan,for I see no money return for the pursuit.
A. approve of
B. argue with
C. turn down
D. give up

更多"I cannot()your plan,for I see no mo"的相关试题:


Suppose that you cannot return the book to William in person for some emergency and will ask someone else to return it.
1) Give your suggestions, and explain the reasons.
2) Other recommendation.
Write a note in about 100 words to inform him of it. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use" Zhang Wei"instead.

[简答题]A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation to buy a car Your friend has asked you for advice.Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose.Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Did you examine your paper money closely See if you can locate a $5, $10, or $20 bill printed before 1964 and marked "Federal Reserve Note" over the portrait. In the upperleft portion above the seal, a statement written in fine print says that the note is legal tender (法定货币) and that "it is redeemable (可兑现的) in lawful money at the United States Treasury (美国财政部), or at any Federal Reserve Bank (联邦储备银行)." Does this mean that the bin is not lawful At the bottom center the same bill says, "Will pay to the bearer on demand X dollars." Does this mean that your X-dollar bill is not X dollars
Much confusion exists about the real nature of money. Many people think that money has no value unless it is backed by gold or silver. They think that the Federal Reserve note is only a symbol for money, and that real money is the metal backing the note. Some people look on money as wealth and believe that it must have intrinsic (内在的) value.
If we were t
A. the nature of money
B. the face value of a bill
C. the intrinsic value of money
D. the lawfulness of money

[单项选择]Don't lose time in carrying 6ut your plan. Otherwise you will lose the chance.


W: I agreed with your plan at the meeting, it was a good idea.
M: You should back me up then.

What does the man mean ()
A. His back hurt during the meeting.
B. He agreed that it was a good meeting.
C. The plan should be sent back.
D. Her support would have helped this morning.
[填空题]Your plan is good in theory, but I doubt ______ (实行起来未必能行).

[填空题]Frankly (speak) ______ , I don’t think your plan is practical.

[单项选择]Saving Money
Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.
If you ale saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would you save your money
One place to save money is the bank Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄罐),one year later you’ll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account,one year later,you’ll have more money than you put in Why
When you keep your money in a bank. your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money The bank uses your money(and the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses
The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in y
A. in your room.
B. in a piggy bank
C. in your pocket.
D. in a savings account.
[填空题]If you can make readjustments in your fitness plan as you age, you can stay strong and flexible and ______.

[简答题]Your Work or Your Studies Do you plan to live there/here for a long time
[填空题]Your work plan is much better now, but there is still room for (improve) ______ .
[填空题]You can borrow money from your relatives when you conduct your jab search, because you are sure ______.


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