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发布时间:2024-02-02 04:50:06

[单项选择]The panda is an endangered species, which means that it is very likely to become () without adequate protection.
A. intact
B. insane
C. extinct
D. exempt

更多"The panda is an endangered species,"的相关试题:

[填空题]The panda is endangered species, which means _____________________________. (没有恰当的保护它就很可能灭绝)
[简答题]Passage 2 Endangered Species Endangered species are plants and animals that are in immediate danger of extinction. Extinction is actually a normal process in the course of evolution. Since the formation of the earth, many more species have become extinct than those exist today. These species slowly disappeared because of changes of climate and their failure to adapt to such conditions as competition and predation (捕食). Since the 1600s, however, the process of extinction has greatly accelerated as a result of both human population growth and technological encroachment (侵犯) on natural ecology systems. Today the majority of the world’s environments are changing faster than the ability of most species to adapt to such changes through natural selection. Species become extinct or endangered for a number of reasons, but the primary cause is the destruction of natural habitats (栖息地). Drainage of wetlands (沼泽地), cutting and clearing of forests, growth of cities, and highway
A. A.Human beings are not aware of the importance of preserving endangered species.
B.Some endangered species have already reached the end of their life span in evolution.
C.The development of human society has greatly affected natural ecology systems.
D.The world’s climate has changed so greatly that most species cannot survive.

[简答题]The panda is an endangered species,______(也就是说不充分保护就会灭绝).

[单项选择]Why save endangered species For the general public, endangered species appear to be little more than biological oddities. A very different perception is gained from considering the issue of extinction in a wider context. The important point is that many major social advances have been made on the basis of life forms whose worth would never have been perceived in advance. Consider the impact of rubber-producing plants on contemporary life and industry: approximately two-thirds of the world’s rubber supply comes from rubberproducing plants and is made into objects as diverse as rubber washers and rubber boots.
The author’s point is made chiefly by
A. acknowledging the validity of two opposing points of view.
B. appealing to the emotions of the audience rather than to their intellects.
C. suggesting a useful perspective for viewing the question raised at the beginning of the passage.
D. trying to discredit the view of an opponent without presenting an alternative hypothesis.
E. (E) generalizing from similar to dissimilar cases.

Questions 1-4

When was the Endangered Species Act passed?()
A. In the f9th century.
B. In 1973.
C. In 1998.
D. In the 21st century.
[单项选择]______ endangered species may not be protected from the hazards from human activities.
A. Most the
B. Most of
C. Almost all of
D. Almost all the
[简答题]endangered animal species
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[简答题]From English into Chinese (5%) Discount means that sellers offer buyers a certain percentage of reduction on the original price. When competition in the market is fierce, discount will help to improve sellers’ competitiveness. There are different kinds of discount, for example, quantity discount, seasonal discount and exceptional discount. The specific amount or percentage of discount varies in different situations. The percentage of discount can be clearly written down in a contract if the seller and the buyer have reached an agreement. The amount of discount is usually deducted from the buyers’ payment.
Niagara is an Indian word which means "roaring water", Indeed, the roar of the falling water of Niagara can be heard (1) a distance of 5kms, Imagine (2) of water flowing over a cliff 90 feet high and you will get an idea of that terrible noise. And (3) tremendous power the Niagara River has! It moves big rocks about and throws them into the boiling water below. (4) ago an old ship without single person on board was put in mid-stream. It sailed down the river (5) a toy boat with great speed. Having reached the fall, the ship dropped into the boiling water, never (6) again. There were some people who wanted to become famous (7) , swimming across the most dangerous part of the Niagara River. One of them was Captain Webb who said that he would try to swim cross the Niagara, which (8) crowds
A. in name
B. under the name of
C. by name
D. to the name of


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