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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:40:46

[简答题]用斜线(/)给下面一段文言文断句(3分) 岁饥丐者接踵县无室庐以居之往往穷冬严寒蒙犯霜雪冻饿而死者相藉于道矣州县倘能给数椽以安之岂不愈于创亭榭广园囿以为无益之观美乎 (宋)陈襄《州县提纲》卷二

更多"用斜线(/)给下面一段文言文断句(3分) 岁饥丐者接踵县无室庐以居之"的相关试题:

[简答题]用斜线(/)给下面的文言文断句(5分)。 世 之 治 也 行 善 者 获 福 为 恶 者 得 祸 及 其 乱 也 行 善 者 不 获 福 为 恶 者 不 得 祸 变 数 也 知 者 不 以 变 数 疑 常 道 故 循 福 之 所 自 来 防 祸 之 所 由 至 也 遇 不 遇 非 我 也 其 时 也 夫 施 吉 报 凶 谓 之 命 施 凶 报 吉 谓 之 幸 守 其 所 志 而 已 矣 (取材于《中论·修本》)

Members of the city council and distinguished guests, it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr Robert Washington, chief of our city’s police force. He will address us on the subject of the Community Policing Program. Most of you know that Mr Washington has a distinguished record as head of our police force for more than ten years. However, you may not know that he also holds a master’s degree in criminology and studied abroad for a year with the international police force which deals with crimes around the world. Mr Washington first introduced the Community Policing Program 8 years ago. The idea behind the program is to get the police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods where they can talk directly to merchants and residents about the real dynamics of our city. These officers do more than make arrests. They try to find ways to help solve the problems that contribute to crime in the first place. Often that means hooking
A. To introduce the beautiful view of the city.
B. To give some comments on another person’s talk.
C. To address the matter of community security.

A. A.《 》 , , , .
B.《 》 ( , ) .
C.“ ” ( , ) .
D.“ ” , , , .

[单项选择]听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题。Who is the speaker
A. A radio announcer.
B. A police officer.
C. A taxi driver.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。When will Rick leave
A. In three days.
B. In a week.
C. In a month.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第14和第17题。Who are the speakers
A. Fellow students.
B. Laid-off workers.
C. High school teachers.

M: So what happened, madam
W: Well, I saw this old man. He was kind of holding his bag like this. He just left the bank and I was still queuing up to collect my money, but I was near the door. Now this young man came running past him and tried to get the bag.
M: And they both fell down
W: Yeah, and the young man ran away, and the poor old man fell on the sidewalk, still holding his bag tightly. And we managed to help him up. Now can I go back to collect my money
M: Would you mind coming with us, madam We need more information.

Who is the woman talking to( ).
A. A director.
B. A client.
C. A policeman.

W: Simon, how do you feel after retirement
M: Well, not very bad.
W: How have you been spending your time
M: I have been spending more time with my family. I’ve also travelled a bit, you know, off-season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels cost less.
W: Great.
M: You know I haven’t completely stopped work.
W: Yes, would you tell us more about this
M: I’m on a scheme that’s called phased retirement; I had a six-month break from work, after that I could apply for project work with the company I used to work for.
W: How does the scheme work
M: Well, it’s a trial at the time. Instead of employing temporary stuff, the company advertises posts on its website that retired employees like me can access.

Why does Simon find his life enjoyable after retirement( ).
A. He can plan his time more freely.
B. He can contact with his old friends again.
C. He can devote himself to his own hobbies.
A. A.《 》 “ ”、 《 》 , .
B.《 》 《 》, 《 》 , .
C.《 》 “ "、 “ " , .
D.《 》 《 》、 《 》 , .

[单项选择]听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题。What will the speaker probably do if he’s stuck on the road
A. Have a map ready.
B. Be understanding.
C. Change directions.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13题。What does the grandmother enjoy about her present life
A. Being busy with housework.
B. Being with relatives.
C. Being with friends.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。How does Steve feel now
A. Weak
B. Tired
C. Bored
[单项选择]听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20题。What are the children required to do before going out of the building
A. Wait at a comer.
B. Give their names at a desk.
C. Stay together with their parents.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16题。What can an international student expect in a home-stay family
A. A bathroom of their own.
B. No choice of meals.
C. A shared bedroom


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