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发布时间:2024-09-17 19:22:11

[填空题]阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题,请注意题后的词数要求。 When my father was celebrating a milestone(里程碑)birthday, I pulled together a surprise gift treat he would never forget. As he was approaching 60, I had a fun idea: What if I could get the memories people had of him, put each one into an envelope—60 in total—and have him open them, one by one, on his birthday So I wrote an e-mail to family and friends, explaining my idea. I sent the e-mail and waited. And then the replies started coming in and I was very, very surprised. There were so many memories, and they were all so lovely. They came from the ’50s, ’60s,’70s, from every decade(十年)between now and the day my dad was born. They came from my mother, my siblings, my grandma, my dad’s friends from high school, his sister, my dad’s first boss, a colleague at his first job, from people who hadn’t seen my dad in 40 years, from people I myself hadn’t even informed. They typed them and handwrote them. They mailed them and e-mailed them. The night

更多"阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题,请注意题后的词数要求。 Wh"的相关试题:

[填空题]阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题,请注意题后的词数要求。 When my father was celebrating a milestone(里程碑)birthday, I pulled together a surprise gift treat he would never forget. As he was approaching 60, I had a fun idea: What if I could get the memories people had of him, put each one into an envelope—60 in total—and have him open them, one by one, on his birthday So I wrote an e-mail to family and friends, explaining my idea. I sent the e-mail and waited. And then the replies started coming in and I was very, very surprised. There were so many memories, and they were all so lovely. They came from the ’50s, ’60s,’70s, from every decade(十年)between now and the day my dad was born. They came from my mother, my siblings, my grandma, my dad’s friends from high school, his sister, my dad’s first boss, a colleague at his first job, from people who hadn’t seen my dad in 40 years, from people I myself hadn’t even informed. They typed them and handwrote them. They mailed them and e-mailed them. The night
[填空题]阅读下面短文,并按照题目要求用英语问答问题(请注意问题后词数要求)。   A nurse of 78 this weekend celebrates 60 years of walking the wards - and she has no plans to retire.   Jackie Reid was 18 when she started work in 1953 - when the National Health Service(NHS) was just five years old - and is believed to be the oldest nurse in Britain.   The diabetes(糖尿病) specialist had to retire at 65 but returned as a nurse within two weeks and still does up to four seven-and-a-half hour shifts(轮班)each week.   Mrs Reid said: "Nursing is hard if you do it correctly but I love my job. Working for the NHS has been my life. I have no other hobbies because I have worked all my life.   Jackie has worked at a number of different hospitals--including one in Scotland.   Her specialist field has been diabetes for the past 40 years. She retrained after her 12-year-old daughter Michelle developed the disease. She currently works at Southend Hospital, Essex.   Over the last 60years she has treated tens of thousands of pati


Though every morning I queue(排队) at the bus stop very early, I am often (1) for school. The reason is that there are (2) buses for all the people who queue up at the stop, and the buses often arrive there late. (3) the time table,there should be a bus (4) fifteen minutes, but one often has to wait (5) hour for a bus to arrive.
By the time the bus arrives, (6) so many people in the queue that those near the (7) can’t get on the bus and (8) to wait for another thirty minutes before the (9) bus arrives.
I wish the bus (10) would put more buses on.

A. early
B. late
C. on time


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