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发布时间:2024-03-03 02:49:28

[单项选择]The Internet is an open system,and most information is available to everyone.It is very important to add () to existing system for protecting the secret information.
A. Web pages
B. modem
C. security
D. network

更多"The Internet is an open system,and "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Internet, perhaps the most important technological development of the past 30 years, succeeded unexpectedly. It started out in an experimental backwater, nurtured far from the mainstream. It was spawned with no business plan and with no CEO leading the charge. Instead, a group of researchers—nerds, really—had the very unentrepreneurial idea to develop a set of free and open technical protocols to move data from one place to another. The PC, which I think of as a companion technology to the Internet, likewise groomed as the hobbyhorse of passionate nerds who (at least initially) shared their designs. Both the Internet and the PC were released unfinished, and because they were open technologies, businesses and inventors could use them as a springboard for innovation. New applications were deployed to use them without needing the permission of their vendors.
This kind of openness isn’t found in cars, fridges, Video or any other major technology. It’s what helped the Internet and
A. It was born as a result of a business plan.
B. It was initially developed by enterpreneurs to make profits.
C. It was born by accident as an open and free technique.
D. It was born as a finishing product at first.
[填空题]The Internet is all open and universal method for ________.

[填空题]Although the tax system occurs to most Americans only in April, the tax process is actually______.


How often do you use the Internet Most American teens spend a lot of time emailing friends and surfing the Internet.
A new study of more than 2 500 teens made by Yahoo, says that more teens use the Internet than watch television. In an average week, an American teen will spend:
* 16.7 hours online (not including emailing)
* 13.6 hours watching TV
* 12 hours with the radio on
* 7.7 hours on the phone
* 6 hours reading books and magazines (not including school books)
The study says that being able to choose what you look at is the main reason teens choose the Internet over other types of media(传媒).
On a typical day, an American teen can choose from over 200 cable television networks, 5 500 magazines, 10 500 radio stations, more than 30 million websites, and 122 000 new books.
The number of Internet users in China has grown by 15 per cent over the past six months to 68 million. This is the second largest online
A. reading books and magazines
B. the phone
C. watching TV
D. online

[简答题]Most economists acknowledge this trading system as one of the greatest contributors to the world’s rapid recovery from the desolation of the Second World War.
[简答题]A—Internet access B—Open dial-up connection window C—Enter card number in the "user name" box D—Enter ID number in the "password" box E—Enter 17200 in the "phone number" box F—Connecting G—Please input your account number H—Please enter your ID number I—Please enter the number you wish to call J—Get current credit K—Inquire abbreviated number L—Transfer credit money from other cards to this card M—Please enter your new ID number N—Modify the ID number O—Modify the abbreviated number P—Account recharge QUESTIONS: Example: ( E ) 电话号码栏键入17200 ( O ) 修改缩位号码 51. ( )键入呼叫号码 ( )输入帐号 52. ( )在密码栏键入密码 ( )互联网接入 53. ( )修改密码 ( )打开拨号连接窗口 54. ( )在用户名栏键入本卡卡号 ( )将其他卡上的金额转移到本卡 55. ( )帐户充值 ( )连接中


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