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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:34:32

[单项选择]I want to provide my boys with a (decent) education.
A. special
B. provide
C. general
D. good

更多"I want to provide my boys with a (d"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"Do you want to see my driver’’s license or my passport" "Oh, _______."
A. either does well
B. either one will do
C. each one is good
D. each will be fine
[单项选择]– Do you want to see my holiday snaps of Greece and Turkey – Sure. – That‘s me in the foreground. Behind me is the Acropolis. This one‘s a bit out of focus. You can‘t see it very clearly. – Send me a postcard next time you go. – I would, but _____.
A. I only go there once in a blue moon
B. most of these are great pictures
C. I don‘t have any accessories like a tripod or anything
D. the flight was delayed

M: I want to make sure my son receives this letter. It has an important certificate in it.
W: You can send it either by certified mail or registered mail. If you only want to make sure it is received, send it by certified mail. It’s less expensive.
M: OK. How about this package
W: What’s in it
M: A watch.
W: You should insure it for the value of the watch, and sent it by registered mail. It’s more expensive, but it’s the safest way.

What is in the letter( ).
A. A valuable book.
B. An important certificate.
C. A beautiful postcard.
D. An application form.
[单项选择]"I wouldn’t want to have someone take my daughter to a hospital for an abortion or something and not tell me. I would kill him if they do that." So much for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s typically expressive support for Proposition 73, a constitutional amendment requiring doctors to give parents 48 hours’ notice before carrying out an abortion on a girl under 18.
Will the voters agree with the governor His own status erstwhile hedonist turned responsible father of two teenage girls and two pre-teen boys--reflects his state’s mixed feelings about sexual politics. California is one of the most sexually liberated states in the nation. It also boasts the fifth-worst rate for teenage abortions and the seventh for teenage pregnancies. In 2000, some 116,000 teenagers in California became pregnant, and almost 44,000 of them chose to have an abortion--including 1,620 under the age of 15. A recent Field Poll showed 45% of respondents in favour of the amendment, 45% against and 10% undecided.

A. He has been elected governor of California 10 years ago.
B. He used to attach much importance to personal enjoyment.
C. He has been thinking of solving sexual problems for long.
D. He has troubles with his two daughters and two sons.

M: Maria, I want you to have all my laundry ready by the time I get home.
W: You must be kidding!
Question: What does the woman mean( )

A. She doesn’t understand the man’s request.
B. She thanks the man for his kindness.
C. She must get the laundry ready.
D. She will not have the man’s laundry ready.
[单项选择]You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’’s not worth the ________it involves.
A. effort
B. strength
C. attempt
D. force
[单项选择][1] "Daddy, you’re crying," say my sons. "No, boys, I’m man-crying. Very useful skill. "
[2] A short walk from my house in Hampshire, on a hill overlooking the heathland, is a plaque marking the spot where Richard Pryce Jones deliberately crashed his Halifax bomber during the war. He could have parachuted to safety, but that would have meant crashing into the village. The epitaph reads: "He died that others might live. "
[3] It never fails to move me. Not to tears, you understand. That would be disrespectful. But I do usually manage a lump in the throat and that film of moisture over the eyes that men have in their emotional armoury. Gordon Brown demonstrated the non-crying cry beautifully when he made his farewell speech on the steps of Number 10. That catch in the throat. The determination not to weep in public. At that moment, if at no other, he had nobility.
[4] Not everyone can carry it off. I don’t think Paul Gascoigne ever quite got the han
A. he was not allowed to do so
B. he wanted to save his plane
C. he was afraid of parachute jump
D. he didn’t want to take the villagers’ lives
[填空题]My hair is too long. I want to have it (cut) ()

M:My radio doesn’t work.I want to get it repaired.
W:You’d better check battery.

What does the woman suggest ()
A. Getting a new radio.
B. Changing the battery.
C. Repairing the radio.
D. Having the radio checked.


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